Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Communications Plan - Community ...

We?ve designed our workshops this year?to help you get a leg up on your 2013 communications strategy.

We want to help you avoid communications crises like last year?s?inadvertent re-branding of the Susan G. Komen Foundation?- a case that stands out in the minds of many nonprofit communicators.

Remember last February when the?leading nonprofit jumped into a highly controversial area of public debate?without a communications strategy??When their audience responded to their decision to revoke funding to Planned Parenthood, the organization stayed silent. As a result, others took over the public dialogue. In 24 hours, comments across social networks broke down the brand that the Komen Foundation spent years building.

That is why it is so important for nonprofits to develop a communications plan!?

Join communications expert Thom Clark on Thursday, October 4th for a Developing A Communications Plan Workshop that will help you understand how to steer and stay in control of your organization?s reputation.

This workshop is aimed at nonprofit communicators who are new to communications and to seasoned professionals that want to refresh their skills.

  • Learn how to establish goals and create messages that moves your audience to action.
  • Create a communications plan and learn how to implement it.
  • Get tips on how to incorporate social media tools into traditional media outreach.
  • Gain new communications skills that bring added value to your job.

Remember, communicating effectively with media, funders and your audience starts with a solid communications plan.
Take the first step toward successful communications!?REGISTER TODAY!


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