Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Status Report ? Week of 9/3/12 ? 9/9/12 ? Strategic Endurance

Autumn is here. The trees are beginning to change in earnest. The air is crisper, cleaner, sharper and the mornings are colder, as evidenced by my Thursday morning run with a 29 degree temperature at the start. (Callahan kitchen digital thermometer). With the advent of autumn, many changes are taking shape. For one, this week marked the start of me working in my new position at Western State Colorado University. I have officially taken on the challenge of leading the WSCU Club Sports Department as the Campus Recreation Sports Coordinator. As you might imagine, I am tremendously excited to take on this role. An added benefit is I am able to work directly alongside Dave Wiens, the 6-time champion of the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race. I am very hopeful that I can make an impact as a member of the WSCU and Gunnison communities, and I am tremendously thankful for the opportunity. Also, we are now officially just 5 days from the start of the?inaugural?Steamboat 100!

With the race looming just a few days away, this week was not what I was hoping for in terms of training. I got off to a good start on Monday (Labor day) but my body seemingly fell apart from there. The cause? Simple? sleep. Or, I should say, the lack of sleep. I mistakingly overlooked the need for high-quality/quantity sleep and was only sleeping 5 ? 6 hours a night for the first four nights of the week. Not the recipe I need to succeed. By Thursday evening, I was fried. I did manage to rebound by sleeping more, and have found myself feeling better in general today (Sunday). Generally speaking, I have shut things down now with regards to training volume in hopes of a good performance in Steamboat. Here?s the day-t0-day recap:

Monday ? 9/3/12?

AM:?10 mile run up and down Signal Peak on the ridge. Beautiful morning. Standard run. Felt positive and had more leg mobility than I have had in quite some time. (I had been complaining about how inflamed and sore I was feeling last weekend) 1.5 hours running. 10 miles. Abdominal strength and minor stretching session.

PM: Out for another Signal Peak run in the afternoon heat. Good outing. Same as the morning. Up and down the ridge to Signal Peak. Felt very strong and positive about this run. Right hip is very tight and impinged, and my left foot has significant pain in ball of foot? neuroma flare-up. Using many ?rolling? devices to work on my body. Minor strength and stretching again. 1.5 hours running. 10 miles.

Tuesday ? 9/4/12

AM:?Signal Peak run. 10 miles. Up and down the ridge. Incredible sunrise. Crisp morning. Beautiful. Stomach felt off. Energy lagging. Legs sore. Feel heavy again. 1.5 hours running. 10 miles. My 61st Signal Peak Summit YTD. First day at my new position as Campus Recreation Sports Coordinator at WSCU.

Wednesday ? 9/5/12

PM:?30 minute run from campus to airport road? out and back. Good outing. Feeling strong. 4.5 miles. Strength and stretching afterwards too. Turned into a late night again trying to get organized. .5 hours running. 4.5 miles.

Thursday ? 9/6/12?

AM:?Signal Peak run with surges. 1.5 hour run. 10 miles running. 5 x 2 minute surges up to level 4+ (hard). Did three surges on the ups, and 2 surges on the down. Feeling sluggish, slow, and not mobile on the downhills. Feeling flat-footed, tight, tired. Aerobically feeling great. Strength feels great. Quickness and athleticism is nowhere to be found. 1.5 hours running. 10 miles.

Friday ? 9/7/12

PM:?Not good. 30 minute run on contour trail. Good to get out. Body is absolutely ?off?. .5 hours running. 4 miles. Minor strength and mobility work.

Saturday ? 9/8/12

PM:?Signal Peak outing in the heat. 80 degrees and beautifully clear! Felt very sluggish after working the home WSCU Rugby games most of the day. Felt substantially better at the end of this run. 1.5 hours running. 10 miles. Ate a great dinner. Went to bed very early.

Sunday ? 9/9/12

AM:?Signal Peak run. My 64th Signal Peak Summit YTD. Feeling substantially better again. (A sign that my problems mostly stem from the quality and quantity of my sleep). Felt peppy on most of the short climbs. Feeling ?cumbersome? on the downhills and just not able to turn it over. Worked on this today with a series of 15 x 15 second sprints on the downs. These were hard efforts designed more with quickness in mind. 1.5 hours running. 10 miles. Then in the afternoon, some minor strength work in the back yard.

Week totals -

10.5 hours running. 67 miles running. Generally not feeling good. Fatigued but leaning out okay.?

Pretty fortunate to do quite a bit of reading this week as well, mostly in the realm of paleo nutrition. Fantastic article here?by Chris Kresser about nutrition and its role in skin health. This is part 1 in a multi-article series. Parts two?and three?are also up. Check ?em out. In other reading, I was blown away by Joe Grant?s latest post. Joe is known for his incredible photography but is also one heck of a writer. Great dude too.

Looking ahead, this upcoming week will be one filled with challenge. Another week in my new position at WSCU will be a welcomed challenge. The challenge of more and better sleep will be the crux to racing well on the weekend in Steamboat, and the ?test? of the race itself will be the biggest demand of the week. Very excited indeed to head to Steamboat Springs, CO (one of my favorite towns of all time) during the month of September (my favorite month of the year) to race 100 miles. Super stoked to have Annie and Jordan be able to come along with me. This will serve as a good get-away for all of us. Here?s to an amazing week ahead.Thanks for reading. Live well. Sleep well. ?DC.

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Source: http://strategicendurance.com/2012/09/09/status-report-week-of-9312-9912/

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