As we?ve mentioned many times before, blogging is hard. It?s hard to fit the habit into your day and to keep coming up with new and exciting things to talk about. So when inspiration strikes, you need to capture it. Regardless if that stroke of genius comes during your lunch break, when you?re lying in bed, or when you?re brushing your teeth in the morning. As busy business people and bloggers, we must record it!
And that?s where apps can come in handy, allowing you to take your genius with you, wherever you are. Below are some I rely on to make my blogging life easier:
Evernote is everyone?s favorite Web capture tool, as it lets us grab full Web pages, snippets of text, images, audio, whatever, and then quickly recall it later, when we need it.
For those of us constantly on the go, Evernote makes recalling information easier and seamless. In line somewhere and find something you want to write about later? Stumble across a neat visual you want to reference?
Clip it when you see it, and then save it so you can search for it when you?re ready to use it. Evernote offers a lot of cool integrations that make it super valuable and easy to use.
Tape-A-Talk Recorder Dragon Dictation
If you prefer to speak than write, get yourself a voice recorder or dictation app to allow you to ?talk out? your blog posts instead of writing them by keyboard. I find my voice recorder app particularly useful on my drive to and from work when my mind is already bursting with ideas and I just need an outlet to release and save them for later.
If you?re someone who prefers to talk out problems or things you?re dealing with, a voice recorder may be especially useful.
For Android phones, Tape-A-Recorder is my preferred app because it allows me to append the recording, and send it to email or Evernote with one touch.
iPhone users will want to check out Dragon Dictation, which allows you to speak and instantly see your message appear. This app includes Evernote integration, as well.
Google Drive
For me, the biggest blogging convenience is being able to take my content and post ideas anywhere I go. And that means using a Web-based word processor like Google Drive.
Because I?m often crafting documents on multiple computers or devices, and collaborating with different authors, storing documents in the cloud means I can always pick up where I left off or check in to see edits others have made to something we?re working on.
Writing in the cloud and being able to access it via my phone means I?m never without the documents that I need. This saves me time by not forcing me to log into a specific device.
Google Reader
Blog reading is a writer?s best friend and provides a constant source of new ideas. But it can be hard to make blog reading part of your day unless you?re using an app to help you.
I use Google Reader both on desktop and mobile, but you?ll want to get the mobile app for whichever feed reader you rely on for your news.
Luckily, most feed readers come with app integration.
White Noise ? Rainy Day
The most difficult part of working and writing on the go is controlling your environment. Coffee shops are loud. So are buses and trains and other places that we?re often forced to try and get work done.
White Noise ? Rainy Day is a noise generator app intended to help you block out all other distractions. This is a staple for me anytime I?m working on the go (or even in my office) as I am very easily distracted.
By plugging my headphones into my phone and running this app I?m able to focus in on the task at hand and get writing done.
Above are some of the apps that help me write content wherever I am. What apps do you find yourself relying on?
Using Tablet Photo via Shutterstock
About Lisa Barone

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