Friday, September 28, 2012

Providing Superior Customer Service by Using Call ... - Geek Business

In this age of cut throat competition, business owners have to look at different ways to provide quality services to their customers. It is very difficult to retain a customer, as they have several alternatives available in the market place. One such area where business owners can improve the level of service is by standardizing customer service call answering by utilizing call answering services. If you are a business owner, you can get more clarity on the call answering systems by going through the following section that details the benefits of a call answering service for your business.

Need for a Call Answering Service

In the last few years, customers have been using the automated voice response systems. Majority of the customers feel that they are not satisfied with the manner in which their calls are automatically handled. They need to wait endlessly on their telephone line in order to get a proper response. Due to this lackadaisical service response, many customers try to look for better options. As a result, the business owner starts losing their long time and reliable customers one by one. This is the area where in the call answering service helps the business owners. There are third party call answering service providers that are dedicated to attending the customer calls using their staff members. Customers would also feel that they are being given due importance by the business owners.

Benefits of Using a Call Answering Service

1. Customer Retention

As emphasized in the earlier sections, retaining customers have become extremely difficult for business owners. They try at different ways to please their existing customers by providing gifts and rewards. Providing bonuses and rewards to customers, when they make purchases is a good thing to have. But it is not going to influence the minds of the customers after they have decided to move to another provider. Call Answering service plays a major role in enhancing the quality of services provided to the customers. Customers would no longer have to hold on hearing musical ringtones from the other end. Call Answering service providers would have trained personnel attending to the client calls. These call answering professionals would directly receive the calls from the customers and start documenting the services requested or the complaints received.

2. Helps to Focus on Core Business

By outsourcing the services to a call answering service provider, business owners can utilize the existing workforce in developing the core business. Business owners can direct their workforce to learn innovative designs that would help in coming out with new products and services. Some part of the workforce can be asked to assist the existing core sales workforce, which automatically results in improved business.

3. Reduce Overhead

Maintaining a call center that attends to the customer calls requires dedicated man power and dedicated infrastructure. These two act as significant overheads to the business owner. By outsourcing the call answering functions to a third party provider, business owners can achieve significant cost savings. They can utilize a part of the saving achieved in Research and development activities.

4. Eliminate Unwanted Space

As a business owner, one needs to have a separate area to maintain the call center workforce. If the business space is a rented one, then this would add to the rental cost. If it is an owned space, then the extra space available can be utilized for business expansion purposes.

About the author: Hal is a business and technology geek who writes about all related topics. If you are looking for a call answering service, he might be able to connect you with someone.


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