Posted by Alicia Waters on March 21st, 2013

In my forthcoming work CFO: I AM IT! ( Your Inner Compass To Your Spiritual Money Path), I discuss the subject of unlocking your inner chief financial officer by activating your inner prosperity kingdom and accessing your internal keys to unlock your unlimited potential. We hold the answers to all of lives questions within. The key to success is found on a one way path that leads us on a journey inside our inner kingdom. In scripture we learn that in order to enter into the kingdom we must become like little children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven according to Matthew 18: 3.
Matthew 18: 3
3?Then he said:
I promise you this. If you don?t change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.
As I was truly embracing my journey of becoming my own CFO, I told myself that I desired for this adventure to be fun, exciting and elevating. The subject of finances often has the energy of seriousness around it that most people would rather stay in denial of their circumstance and delay going on the journey because the energy of this experience could produce pain. Honestly I had already had enough pain from not being financially sovereign that I began to tell myself? that I could only go up from here because I?ve bottomed out the pain and now it?s time to play this financial game on a much bigger level.
Once we truly awaken to the fact that we hold the universe of our inner prosperity kingdom inside of us then we can begin to create as children. We can create the game board of life that we want to play on, position ourselves for success, find the keys to unlock our greater potential and then master the illusion of time so that all things are always aligned for completion.
As CFO?s of our spiritual money paths we must have the right attitudes and mindsets to truly be able to unlock all of the un-ventured territory inside of us that holds the key-chain that will open every door in our inner awareness that possesses an open sky of possibilities. The unlocking of our inner prosperity kingdom does not have to be hard when we learn how to connect to the simplicity of accessing our natural state of being of operating abundantly.
I encourage you to begin today with doing something playful around wealth creation, imagining your inner prosperity kingdom as the external reality that your desire or get a key or a set of keys and act like it will unlock the door to your new car, house, business or ministry. Your Sky Is Your Limit for unlocking the CFO within you.
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