Wednesday, March 27, 2013

All works fine until restart - Elastix 2.4, x100p - Elastix Forums ...

Having no end of trouble setting up my initial Elastix server. I've spent a fair bit of time lurking across this and other forums, but can't find anyone having a similar issue to me.

  1. I'm installing Elastix from CD .iso completely fresh, no special parameters.

  2. Once installed, I'm loading the free digium fax licence (thankfully I backed it up as per instructions!)

  3. After this, restart the server and start on configuration.

  4. I run hardware detection, which picks up my x100p with no issues.

  5. I link up an extension to my initial DAHDI trunk, g0, which diverts to voicemail.

  6. I then create an iax2 extension for virtual faxing.

  7. I then set up the virtual fax, linking to the iax2 extension

  8. Lastly, I set up an inbound route automatically directing to my voicemail extension, and diverting faxes to my iax extension.

From here, i test, and it all works as expected. Voice calls are redirected to voicemail, and fax calls are sent to the virtual fax and handled ok.

But then, heaven forgive me if i dare restart the asterisk service, amportal, or the box itself, the whole thing falls over.

Everything starts normally, but the system no longer picks up any incoming calls to my FX0 card.

I've logged in to the CLI, and watched. DAHDI doesn't pick anything up. I just don't get it. Why would it stop working after restart? What could possibly be changing?

I make sure I save configuration after every step.

The only way I've been able to get asterisk and elastix to answer again has been to reformat and reinstall. Of course, this is effectively pointless, because even if i set it all up again, if the system ever needs to restart, I'm screwed.

Please tell me that someone else has had this problem? I've checked logs, checked DAHDI, checked that the card is being detected, reconfigured, wiped config. I just don't get it.

Can anyone help?


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