Sunday, March 18, 2012

relative humidity and atmospheric factors might be different for cell ...

3G is the English abbreviation of the 3rd Generation, the third generation mobile communication technology. Relative to the first generation analogue phones (1G) and second-generation GSM, TDMA digital mobile phones (2G), third generation of mobile phones generally, refers to wireless communications and Internet multimedia communications with a new generation of mobile communication systems. It can handle images, music, video streaming and other forms of media, including web browsing, conference calls, e-commerce and other information services. In order to provide this service, the wireless network must be able to support different data transfer speed, which means that the indoor, outdoor, and driving environment can support at least 2Mbps (megabytes / second), 384kbps (kilobytes / second) and 144kbps transmission speed. And the output voltage of? ? cell phone jammer is 5V.
2G network bandwidth 9.6Kpbs. 2.5G increased 56Kpbs. 3G will have a wider bandwidth, the transmission speed of 100-300Kbps, not only the transmission of voice, can also transmit data to provide fast, convenient wireless applications such as wireless access to Internet. With the popularity of Bluetooth, and many friends asked the Bluetooth headset for people big? Compared with ordinary wired headset smaller impact on the human body? Mandatory mobile phone radiation standards ? electromagnetic radiation exposure limits and measurement methods (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as ?draft?) in most of the content has been finalized and is seeking the Ministry of Information Industry, Ministry of Health, State Environmental Protection Bureau, SARFT, the State Power Corporation (formerly the State Ministry), State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, etc. to participate in standards development ministries views. This type of? cell phone jammers is independently researched.
According to plan, the official national mandatory standards will be introduced before the end of March 2006, when the formal announcement by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Management Committee. ?Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation effects on people, in fact, and heated in a microwave,? said He Guili, thermal radiation of electromagnetic waves of different size, would have adverse effects on the human body. ?For nearly 400 million mobile phone users SAR value of the standard is directly related to health and safety when they use mobile phones, such national standards mean? Whether they should expect? This type of? ? phone jammer is manufactured by our company.
Ministry of Health, from the perspective of the maximum protection of human health, advocating limits set more stringent (1.0W/kg); environmental protection department is out to minimize the pollution caused by electromagnetic radiation on the environment point of view, propose more stringent standards (a .0W/kg). However, more than 20 percent of mobile phone radiation are excessive, especially domestic manufacturers, most can also achieve the standard of 2.0W/kg 1.0W/kg on unbearable. ?He Guili Bluetooth the radiation of electromagnetic radiation in several wireless products is a few tenth of minimum radiation values only phone, and almost negligible do not care about, belonging to the radiation of free products, a green mobile phone way, in Europe and the United States has been quite popular. High quality of? cellphone jammer can be ensured.
Bluetooth technology, mobile phone radiation ?completely resolved to an end. Bluetooth is the name of a medieval Denmark, a king, the king like a novel and known precisely coincide with the new face of Bluetooth products. Many media Bluetooth translated as ?Bluetooth?. Bluetooth technology originated in 1994 by companies such as Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba, the main push of a the latest wireless technology agreement. As a short-range low-power wireless data transmission standard, Bluetooth operates in the 2.4GHz band, frequency hopping bandwidth of 79MHz, the maximum data transmission speed of 1Mbps, the maximum transmission distance of 10 meters, while achieving multiple devices connect and communicate. It is the product feature of ? iphone blocker .


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