Friday, March 30, 2012

Charlie Sheen Today Show Appearance (Video)

Actor Charlie Sheen sat down and had a chat with Matt Lauer this morning on the Today show. It was a much different interview than the infamous ones he was giving a year ago when he was ?winning?. In what I thought was a rather interesting interview Sheen said his comeback, which I will get to in a moment, is his way of apologizing to America. What he is of course talking about is not only is mega meltdown from last year but his new show Anger Management which is going to debut this summer on FX. Charlie goes on to talk about the show, the bitterness he still has towards Two and a Half Men as well as his substance abuse issues. Personally I thought the interview was handled very well. I think that Matt has some good questions, including one about the recent TMZ photos of Sheen at a Guns & Roses concert. However as I was watching Charlie speak I couldn?t help but wonder what was wrong with him and I don?t mean that in a he is back on drugs sort of way. I thought he spoke well, he had an answer for everything, he wasn?t [...]


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