Regency Park Swim Team participated in the meet on Feb. 15?17 at Chinn Aquatic and Fitness Center in Prince William County. Team finished in third place overall (Girls finished second; Boys finished third). Individual Scorers: Girls?Jordan Durocher 4th, Margo Weber 8th;Boys?Brennan Paterson 1st.
Banzon, Christina (12): 50 Breast 40.96, 5th; 100 Fly 1:24.93, 7th; 200 Back, 2:37.91, 7th;
Brown, Madison (10): 500 Free, 7:36.86, 5th; 100 Back 1:19.62, 3th; 50 Back 35.90, 1st;
Carney, Kyle (10): 100 Back 1:30.88, 4th; 200 Free, 2:52.74, 1st; 100 Free 1:20.99, 7th;
Clarkson, Annabella (11): 50 Breast 41.14, 6th; 100 Breast 1:30.95, 6th;
Cole, Nathan (9): 200 Free, 3:12.59, 5th;
Cox, Anastasia (12): 100 Free 1:06.87, 2th; 100 Back 1:17.18, 3th; 50 Back 35.24, 2th; 200 Back, 2:46.98, 4th;
Daniel, Isabella (8): 25 Breast 23.84, 3th; 50 Breast 53.48, 8th;
Darensbourg, Kennedy (10): 100 IM 1:31.44, 8th; 50 Back 42.17, 7th;
Durocher, Jordan (8): 25 Free 16.08, 2th; 100 IM 1:26.14, 1st; 100 Free 1:13.49, 1st; 50 Free 34.19, 2th; 100 Breast 1:37.10, 5th; 50 Breast 46.06, 1st;
Durocher, Troy (9): 50 Free 33.14, 6th; 100 IM 1:30.31, 5th; 100 Back 1:28.42, 7th;
Elliott, Brandon (11): 50 Back 36.62, 8th; 100 IM 1:18.58, 6th; 50 Free 30.66, 7th;
Futrell, Brenna (10): 100 Breast 1:43.83, 4th;
George, Jeffrey (11): 500 Free, 6:31.77, 2th; 200 IM, 2:46.99, 6th; 200 Back, 3:01.78, 6th;
Hudak, Cole (10): 100 IM 1:30.89, 6th; 100 Back 1:26.20, 4th; 100 Free 1:20.17, 6th; 50 Fly 38.58, 7th;
Hudak, Ryan (12): 100 Fly 1:16.13, 2th; 200 Back, 2:56.10, 5th;
Hudson, Trevor (8): 25 Free 17.06, 7th; 50 Fly 38.95, 1st; 50 Back 45.97, 8th; 50 Free 37.77, 5th; 25 Fly 18.32, 2th; 50 Breast 53.23, 3th; 25 Back 20.58, 3th;
Kilkenney, Kaylee (12): 500 Free, 6:38.17, 5th; 200 IM, 2:47.16, 2th; 200 Free, 2:31.46, 5th; 50 Free 31.50, 8th;
Koch, Nicole (11): 500 Free, 6:50.65, 8th; 200 IM, 2:41.77, 1st;
Kyer, Michael (11): 500 Free, 6:34.86, 3th; 100 Free 1:03.37, 7th; 200 IM, 2:46.25, 5th; 200 Free, 2:23.05, 1st; 200 Back, 2:47.91, 3th; 100 IM 1:17.77, 4th;
Mesick, Megan (12): 100 Back 1:21.84, 7th;
Paterson, Brennan (11): 100 Free 59.30, 1st; 50 Fly 30.47, 1st; 50 Breast 38.80, 1st; 100 Back 1:11.47, 3th; 200 Free, 2:09.40, 1st; 100 Fly 1:07.11, 1st; 100 IM 1:08.68, 1st; 50 Free 27.40, 2th;
Peck, Garrett (8): 50 Breast 55.02, 5th; 25 Back 21.92, 6th;
Peck, Kyle (7): 25 Fly 21.09, 7th;
Perdomo, Cristal (9): 500 Free, 7:07.88, 1st; 100 Fly 1:20.13, 1st; 100 Free 1:09.45, 3th;
Polanosky, Natalie (11): 200 Back, 3:08.02, 8th;
Robinson, Nia (9): 100 Fly 1:41.72, 3th;
Ross, Marissa (9): 500 Free, 7:28.78, 3th; 50 Free 32.23, 7th; 100 IM 1:21.48, 5th; 50 Breast 42.68, 2th; 100 Back 1:23.61, 1st; 50 Fly 37.07, 7th;
Ross, Noah (12): 50 Back 35.44, 6th; 100 Breast 1:33.42, 7th; 50 Free 30.02, 2th;
Sandoval, Alice (11): 50 Fly 31.28, 4th; 50 Breast 38.93, 8th; 100 Back 1:10.28, 2th; 100 Fly 1:12.13, 6th; 100 Breast 1:23.09, 4th; 100 IM 1:10.23, 1st; 50 Free 28.52, 6th;
Sandoval, Samantha (9): 100 Breast 1:47.76, 7th;
Schmidt, Valerie (12): 50 Fly 35.29, 7th; 200 Fly, 2:53.81, 3th; 100 Fly 1:17.94, 1st; 100 IM 1:20.79, 8th;
Short, Caleb (7): 25 Free 16.45, 4th; 25 Breast 25.06, 7th;
Simila, Brooke (10): 50 Breast 41.72, 1st; 100 Back 1:23.34, 7th; 200 Free, 2:37.09, 3th; 100 Free 1:11.83, 8th; 100 Breast 1:35.27, 4th; 50 Back 38.02, 7th;
Smith, Eric (12): 200 Free, 2:27.90, 8th; 100 Breast 1:21.76, 5th;
Stephens, Marquise (11): 200 Breast, 3:39.56, 7th;
Turbyfill, Andrew (10): 50 Free 33.27, 7th; 100 IM 1:28.11, 4th; 50 Breast 48.15, 4th; 100 Back 1:27.92, 5th; 50 Fly 41.45, 5th; 100 Breast 1:43.17, 1st;
Urian, Maddie (11): 200 IM, 2:47.50, 3th; 50 Back 36.82, 7th;
Weber, Margo (12): 100 Free 1:01.25, 4th; 200 IM, 2:34.86, 5th; 100 Back 1:11.48, 6th; 50 Back 32.82, 4th; 200 Back, 2:32.51, 1st; 100 IM 1:11.13, 2th; 50 Free 27.91, 4th;
Wilcox, Justin (12): 100 Free 1:03.22, 1st; 50 Breast 37.02, 3th; 100 Back 1:16.40, 3th; 50 Back 34.34, 7th; 200 Back, 2:37.34, 1st; 50 Free 29.01, 8th;
Wilcox, Macy (9): 200 IM, 3:11.43, 8th;
Yankovich, Katrina (12): 500 Free, 5:59.24, 3th; 200 IM, 2:36.27, 7th; 50 Breast 38.65, 7th; 200 Back, 2:37.20, 5th; 100 IM 1:12.70, 5th;
Yazdi, Shahin (10): 50 Breast 49.71, 8th; 100 Breast 1:45.02, 3th;
The Sharks Swim Team participated in the meet on Feb. 15?17 at the Chinn Aquatic and Fitness Center.
Born, Isabel (11): 200 Breast, 3:17.79, third; 50 Breast, 41.33, seventh; 100 Breast, 1:29.83, fourth
Born, Sarah (9): 100 Back, 1:29.73, second; 100 Breast, 1:45.29, fifth
Day, John (8): 50 Breast, 57.46, seventh
Foley, Sean (12): 500 Free, 6:50.73, eighth; 200 Back, 2:56.02, fourth
Friend, Aaron (9): 50 Back, 42.63, third
Leaman, Olivia (12): 50 Breast, 38.51,first; 200 Free, 2:18.82, eighth; 100 IM, 1:12.58, fourth
Lohr, Dylan (12): 500 Free, 6:39.88, sixth; 50 Fly, 31.88, fourth; 100 Back, 1:14.43, seventh; 100 Fly, 1:13.97, sixth; 50 Back, 33.44, third; 50 Free, 28.95, seventh
Morrison, Hannah (11): 200 Breast, 3:21.55, fifth
Mueller, Steven (12): 200 Breast, 3:46.75, eighth
Sherwood, Matt (12): 100 Free, 1:04.08, second; 50 Fly, 35.48, sixth; 200 IM, 2:44.57, third; 100 Back, 1:18.95, eighth; 200 Free, 2:25.53, third; 50 Back, 34.92, fourth; 100 IM, 1:16.01, second
Smolen, Daryn (11): 50 Free, 30.44, second
Williams, Trey (9): 200 IM, 3:37.54, third; 100 Fly, 1:45.06, third; 200 Free, 3:17.67, seventh
Tsunami Swimming participated in the meet held at the Chinn Aquatic and Fitness Center in Woodbridge. Fourteen New Tsunami Team Records were broken at the North District meet, Abigail Cook set sixs, Annika Luce set three New Team Records, Courtney Wolfgang set two New Team Records, Michael Luce and Cameron Murray each set one New Team Record. The 11-12 Boys 400 Free Relay also set a New Team Record.
Ainsley Allred G(10): 100 Breast 1:41.89 2nd.
Abigail Cook G (10): 500 Free 6:50.68 1st, 200 Free 2:39.66 4th, 100 Back 1:19.78 5th, 50 Free 31.90 5th,,200 IM 3:06.08 5th,,100 IM 1:24.23 6th,,100 Free 1:11.48 7th,, 50 Fly 43.03 7th, 50 Back 38.04 8th.
Ben Eckerson B(9): 200 Free 3:07.52 3rd.
KATIE Fiddler G(8): 25 Breast 25.41 7th.
Sierra Gibson G(12): 100 Back 1:17.01 2nd, 200 Back 2:40.67 2nd, 50 Fly 35.20 6th, 500 Free 6:15.42 7th, 50 Free 29.20.
Annika Luce G(8): 200 IM 3:19.26 2nd, 50 Back 42.87 2nd,,25 Free 16.46 3rd, 100 Free 1:26.82 4th,100 IM 1:40.23 5th, 25 Back 20.73 5th, 25 Fly 20.15 6th, 50 Fly 47.13 7th.
Ashlety Luce G(8): 200 IM 3:52.01 3rd, 20 Breast 25.24 6th, 100 IM 1:45.87 8th, 100 Free 1:36.42 8th.
Michael Luce B(8): 25 Free 15.80 3rd, 100 Free 1:26.61 3rd, 200 Free 3:12.56 4th, 25 Breast 23.55 5th, 25 Fly 19.67 5th, 50 Free 38.48 6th.
Ryan McOsker B(7): 25 Back 20.51 2nd, 100 Free 1:33.31 7th, 200 Free 3:31.42 8th.
Cameron Murray B(10): 50 Back 36.79 1st, 50 Fly 34.89 1st, 100 Fly 1:18.90 1st, 500 Free 7:24.00, 1st, 50 Free 33.11 2nd, 100 Back 1:23.30 2nd, 200 IM 3:16.81 5th, 100 IM 1:31.62 7th.
Joe Stephens B(12): 100 Back 1:09.41 1st, 200 Back 2:24.47 1st, 50 Fly 31.18 3rd, 400 IM 5:28.14 3rd, 50 Free 27.65 3rd, 200 IM 2:37.73 4th, 100 Free 1:02.03 5th, 100 IM 1:11.30 200 Free 2:15.39 6th.
Jacob Talkington B(12): 100 Free 1:07.92 7th.
Courtney Wolfgang G(12): 50 Fly 30.06 1st, 200 Fly 2:36.78 1st,100 Fly 1:10.21 1st, 200 Back 2:18.14 2nd.
11-12 Boys 400 Free Relay: 4:45.41 6th (J Stephens, J Talkington, A Plonka, D Wheeler)
The Rappahannock Area YMCA Stingrays (RAYS) participated in the meet (12 & Under Champs) on Feb. 15?17 at the Chinn Aquatic and Fitness Center in Prince William County. Overall, the RAYS finished first as a team, with the girls finishing first, the boys finishing second. Individual scores, the following RAYS swimmers finished: Michaela Sizemore 5th, Kinsey Brooks and Makayla Williams tied for 8th in the female category, and Chase Hensen 6th and Patrick Pins 9th in the male category.
Eden Baroody (10): 10 & Under 100 Back 1:36.49Y 8th; 10 & Under 200 Free 3:04.64Y 8th.
John Baroody (8): 8 & Under 50 Fly 49.00Y 4th; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:31.45Y 5th; 8 & Under 50 Free 40.15Y 7th; 8 & Under 50 Breast 55.21Y 6th.
Devin Bateman (9): 9-10 50 Free 33.36Y 3rd; 10 & Under 100 Fly 1:29.42Y 3rd; 9-10 100 IM 1:27.43Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Breast 47.38Y 2nd; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:31.51Y 6th; 9-10 100 Free 1:21.21Y 8th; 9-10 100 Free 1:21.21Y 8th; 9-10 50 Fly 37.10Y 5th.
Ian Bennett (7): 8 & Under 50 Fly 58.07Y 5th.
Connor Brooks (11): 11-12 50 Back 36.22Y 7th.
Kinsey Brooks (10): 9-10 200 IM 2:48.97Y 1st; 10 & Under 100 Fly 1:23.88Y 5th; 9-10 100 IM 1:18.25Y 2nd; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:18.25Y 2nd; 9-10 100 Free 1:08.68Y 1st.
Nicholas Brooks (12): 11-12 200 Breast 3:16.59Y 5th;
Olav Brooks (8): 8 & Under 50 Fly 43.90Y 3rd; 8 & Under 100 IM 1:37.82Y 3rd; 8 & Under 25 Breast 24.36Y 6th; 8 & Under 50 Back 45.02Y 4th.
Tessa Campbell (9): 9-10 100 IM 1:31.31Y 7th; 9-10 50 Back 40.77Y 2nd.
Carlie Clements (8): 8 & Under 100 Free 1:21.18Y 4th; 8 & Under 50 Free 36.09Y 4th; 8 & Under 50 Breast 47.13Y 3rd; 8 & Under 25 Back 19.66Y 1st.
Abby Dickinson (10): 9-10 200 IM 3:24.89Y 7th; 10 & Under 200 Free 3:00.99Y 4th.
Sydney Duffy (10): 9-10 50 Free 32.95Y 1st; 9-10 50 Breast 47.75Y 7th.
Logan Euker (9): 9-10 50 Free 34.70Y 7th; 9-10 100 IM 1:27.60Y 3rd; 9-10 50 Breast 43.83Y 2nd; 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:35.53Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Back 43.90Y 7th.
Moira Euker (11): 11-12 500 Free 6:32.59Y 3rd; 11-12 100 Free 1:06.96Y 3rd; 11-12 200 Free 2:27.48Y 3rd.
Bayley Furuie (12): 11-12 200 Breast 3:15.79Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Breast 41.87Y 7th; 11-12 100 Breast 1:29.66Y 2nd.
Kayla Geller (12): 11-12 200 Breast 3:35.57Y 8th.
Josh Gilbert (12): 11-12 50 Back 34.86Y 3rd; 11-12 100 IM 1:18.99Y 8th; 11-12 50 Free 29.67Y 1st.
Maggie Heath (10): 9-10 200 IM 2:50.81Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Free 31.15Y 2nd; 9-10 100 IM 1:20.09Y 4th; 9-10 50 Breast 44.79Y 8th; 10 & Under 200 Free 2:32.06Y 2nd; 9-10 100 Free 1:09.74Y 4th.
Pam Heiken (8): 8 & Under 25 Free 17.37Y 7th; 8 & Under 50 Fly 45.61Y 4th; 8 & Under 50 Back 45.39Y 4th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 19.04Y 3rd; 8 & Under 25 Back 20.13Y 2nd.
Chase Hensen (10): 9-10 50 Free 31.42Y 2nd; 9-10 100 IM 1:25.64Y 5th; 9-10 50 Breast 43.76Y 1st; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:19.08Y 1st; 10 & Under 200 Free 2:34.16Y 2nd; 9-10 100 Free 1:08.58Y 2nd; 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:36.82Y 6th; 9-10 50 Back 38.05Y 3rd.
Cole Hensen (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:00.99Y 4th; 11-12 200 IM 2:38.77Y 2nd; 11-12 100 Back 1:12.75Y 4th; 11-12 200 Free 2:16.27Y 7th; 11-12 200 Free 2:16.27Y 7th; 11-12 50 Back 33.60Y 5th.
Tyler Hilderbrand (10): 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:48.79Y 5th.
Celia Howell (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:07.67Y 6th; 11-12 50 Fly 35.75Y 8th; 11-12 100 Back 2:40.83Y 3rd; 11-12 200 Back 2:40.83Y 3rd.
Sarah Hybl (10): 9-10 200 IM 3:07.34Y 6th; 9-10 50 Free 32.03Y 6th; 10 & Under 100 Fly 1:26.89Y 7th; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:19.77Y 4th; 9-10 100 Free 1:11.25Y 6th; 9-10 50 Fly 35.34Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Back 37.14Y 6th.
Alex Johnson (12): 11-12 50 Back 36.44Y 6th; 11-12 100 IM 1:19.97Y 7th.
Georgia Johnson (11): 11-12 500 Free 6:10.05Y 6th; 11-12 100 Free 1:02.86Y 8th; 11-12 50 Fly 33.90Y 2nd; 11-12 200 Free 2:16.89Y 5th; 11-12 50 Back 33.81Y 7th.
Bridger Johnston (11): 11-12 100 Free 1:05.32Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Fly 36.02Y 7th; 11-12 200 IM 2:48.29Y 8th; 11-12 50 Breast 40.83Y 7th.
Hunter Johnston (8): 8 & Under 50 Back 45.74Y 7th.
Joan Leist (11): 11-12 100 Fly 1:23.49Y 5th.
Erin Lipkin (11): 11-12 100 Free 1:05.89Y 1st; 11-12 200 IM 2:51.25Y 8th; 11-12 200 Free 2:30.26Y 4th; 11-12 100 IM 1:19.04Y 6th;
Aly Lodigiani (12): 11-12 500 Free 5:59.31Y 4th; 11-12 200 Free 2:15.50Y 4th.
Gillian Mansfield (11): 11-12 100 Breast 1:28.01Y 2nd; 11-12 100 IM 1:16.37Y 1st.
Anna Mead (9): 9-10 50 Breast 43.33Y 4th; 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:34.78Y 3rd; 9-10 50 Back 37.70Y 5th.
Makenna Moore (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:07.95Y 8th; 11-12 100 Back 1:21.86Y 8th.
Reilly Moore (10): 10 & Under 100 Fly 1:22.64Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Breast 46.51Y 2nd; 10 & Under 200 Free 2:42.52Y 7th; 9-10 50 Fly 35.71Y 4th.
Adam Morrison (11): 11-12 50 Breast 40.49Y 5th.
Kelly Morrison (8): 8 & Under 25 Free 16.72Y 4th; 8 & Under 100 IM 1:42.97Y 6th.
Patrick Pins (10): 9-10 200 IM 2:45.66Y 1st; 9-10 50 Free 30.21Y 1st; 9-10 100 IM 1:17.66Y 1st; 10 & Under 200 Free 2:32.22Y 1st; 9-10 100 Free 1:08.86Y 3rd; 9-10 50 Fly 38.92Y 1st.
Genevieve Ross (12): 11-12 50 Fly 34.10Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Breast 41.73Y 8th; 11-12 100 Fly 1:24.98Y 8th; 11-12 50 Free 30.38Y 1st.
William Ross (9): 9-10 50 Free 34.66Y 6th.
Mikayla Saar (8): 8 & Under 50 Back 48.45Y 8th.
Rebecca Saar (12): 8 & Under 50 Back 48.45Y 8th.
Martin Schalk (9): 9-10 50 Free 31.86Y 3rd; 9-10 100 IM 1:27.12Y 6th; 9-10 50 Breast 49.23Y 7th; 9-10 100 Free 1:10.77Y 6th; 9-10 50 Back 42.13Y 2nd.
Caitlyn Segrest (10): 9-10 100 Free 1:15.14Y 1st.
Michaela Sizemore (11): 11-12 400 IM 5:10.45Y 1st; 11-12 100 Free 1:01.01Y 1st; 11-12 50 Fly 31.60Y 6th; 11-12 200 IM 2:33.25Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Breast 37.54Y 3rd; 11-12 100 Fly 1:11.51Y 4th; 11-12 100 Breast 1:23.19Y 5th; 11-12 50 Free 28.84Y 8th.
Caroline Storen (11): 11-12 100 Breast 1:29.83Y 4th.
Kayla Surles (11): 11-12 200 Breast 3:12.80Y 2nd.
Natalie Szenas (9): 9-10 100 IM 1:28.15Y 1st; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:32.73Y 4th; 9-10 50 Fly 39.50Y 1st; 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:42.42Y 3rd.
Hannah Tse (8): 8 & Under 50 Fly 46.35Y 6th; 8 & Under 25 Breast 25.78Y 8th; 8 & Under 50 Back 47.50Y 6th.
Madilyn Walker (12): 11-12 50 Fly 30.40Y 2nd; 11-12 200 IM 2:27.87Y 1st; 11-12 50 Breast 40.31Y 4th; 11-12 100 Back 1:10.55Y 4th.
Shay Walker (10): 10 & Under 100 Fly 1:23.39Y 4th; 10 & Under 100 Back 1:15.46Y 1st; 10 & Under 200 Free 2:28.78Y 1st.
Stephen Wallach Jr (11): 11-12 500 Free 6:27.37Y 1st; 11-12 100 Free 1:07.45Y 6th; 11-12 200 Breast 3:01.77Y 2nd; 11-12 50 Breast 39.42Y 4th; 11-12 200 Free 2:26.88Y 6th; 11-12 100 IM 1:18.46Y 5th.
Ashley Wang (8): 8 & Under 100 Free 1:14.55Y 2nd; 8 & Under 50 Free 33.61Y 1st; 8 & Under 25 Fly 17.04Y 1st; 8 & Under 50 Breast 46.70Y 2nd.
Helen Wang (10): 9-10 200 IM 2:51.00Y 3rd; 9-10 500 Free 6:51.63Y 2nd; 9-10 100 Free 1:09.10Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Fly 34.71Y 1st; 10 & Under 100 Breast 1:34.15Y 2nd.
Makayla Williams (8): 8 & Under 25 Free 17.09Y 5th; 8 & Under 50 Fly 44.98Y 3rd; 8 & Under 100 IM 1:36.61Y 2nd; 8 & Under 50 Back 48.27Y 7th; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:22.33Y 3rd; 8 & Under 50 Free 36.64Y 6th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 19.00Y 2nd; 8 & Under 25 Back 20.93Y 6th.
Fiona Williamson (8): 8 & Under 50 Fly 47.43Y 8th; 8 & Under 100 IM 1:43.87Y 7th; 10 & Under 200 Free 3:07.96Y 8th; 8 & Under 25 Back 21.84Y 7th.
Allison Yablonski (11): 11-12 100 Free 1:07.31Y 5th; 11-12 200 Free 2:32.61Y 8th; 11-12 50 Free 31.24Y 6th.
Stafford Royals gymnasts competed at the meet on Feb. 15?17 hosted by Excalibur Gymnastics at the Virginia Beach Convention Center:
Kaitlyn Lawson (ChA): Floor 8.950 5th
Nora Peters (JrB): Vault 9.100 5th, Uneven Bars 9.350 3rd, Balance Beam 8.725 4th, All-Around 35.525 6th Gianni Morgan (JrB): Vault 9.150 4th
Kaelan Beggan (SrA): Vault 9.150 5th
Alexis Lingerman (SrB): Vault 9.150 3rd
LEVEL 5 (Team: 11th out of 23):
Mackenzie Fox (ChB): Uneven Bars 9.30 3rd, Balance Beam 9.225 5th
Breana Spain (JrA): Vault 9.15 3rd, Uneven Bars 9.525 1st, Balance Beam 9.40 3rd, All-Around 37.075 2nd
Emily Grooms (JrA): Uneven Bars 9.40 4th, Balance Beam 9.40 5th, Floor 9.20 5th, All-Around 36.725 5th
Lizzie Cole (JrB): Vault 8.70 6th, Uneven Bars 9.35 3rd
Jamie Macecevic (SrA): Vault 9.05 4th
Madison Klump (JrA): Uneven Bars 8.90 2nd
Karrie Stuchell (SrA): Vault 9.050 4th, Uneven Bars 8.45 3rd
Lauren Shaner (SrA): Vault 8.950 6th
Leah Morgan (SrB): Uneven Bars 8.35 4th, Floor 8.30 5th, All-Around 32.725 6th
Rachel Hunter (SrB): Balance Beam 8.60 6th
Kayla Rice (SrB): Vault 9.275 1st, Uneven Bars 8.70 1st
Brianna Arre (ChB): Vault 8.85 4th, Uneven Bars 8.20 6th, Balance Beam 9.275 6th, All=Around 35.325 6th
Katherine Pontarelli (SrB): Vault 9.000 5th, Balance Beam 9.025 5th, Floor 9.150 3rd
Faith Kelley (SrB): Uneven Bars 8.10 4th, All-Around 34.050 6th (tie)
Abigail Whitehead (Ch): Uneven Bars 9.50 1st, All-Around 35.850 4th
Brooke Hensen (SrB): Vault 8.775 4th, Floor 9.150 2nd, All-Around 33.675 5th
Aaliyah Kerr (SrB): Vault 9.275 1st, Uneven Bars 9.50 1st, Balance Beam 9.40 1st, Floor 9.350 1st, All-Around 37.525 1st
Ayzjah Mercer (Ch): Balance Beam 8.200 6th (tie), Floor 9.000 2nd
Brooke Keyes (Jr): Balance Beam 8.675 6th
Rachel Reisenfeld (SrA): Uneven Bars 8.900 2nd (tie), Balance Beam 8.925 2nd, All-Around 34.100 6th
Anna Jordan (Jr): Uneven Bars 9.100 2nd, Balance Beam 8.925 6th, All-Around 35.925 5th
Hailey Roman (Jr): Balance Beam 9.225 3rd, Floor 9.200 5th, All-Around 35.825 6th
Alysia Gray (Sr): Uneven Bars 9.150 5th, Balance Beam 9.000 5th, Floor 9.100 6th; All-Around 36.175 6th
Caroline Posillico (Sr): Floor 9.175 5th
Sabrina Surles (Sr): Uneven Bars 9.250 4th
Gymnasts from Paragon Training Center competed in the meet, hosted by Gymnastics, Inc., in Hampton on Feb. 16.
Kailey Carreno (6-7): Vault 7.95, 6th; Bars 8.45, 6th; AA 32.525, 6th
Emily Stoltenberg (6-7): Beam 8.35, 6th; Floor 8.2, 5th
Samantha Potts (8 Jr): Vault 9.525, 2nd; Bars 9.05, 4th; Beam 9.5, 1st; Floor 9.5, 1st; AA 37.575, 1st
Madison Harris-Bowman (8 Jr): Vault 9.575, 1st; Bars 9.425, 1st; Beam 9.15, 5th; Floor 9.15, 4th; AA 37.3, 2nd
Lacey Wilson (8 Jr): Bars 9.05, 5th; Floor 9.0, 6th
Makenna Simpson (8 Sr): Bars 8.45, 6th; Floor 9.1, 3rd
Martha Stitt (9): Vault 8.7, 6th; Bars 9.3, 2nd; Floor 8.65, 5th; AA 35.725, 5th
Kayla Horn (9): Bars 8.6, 5th
Lauren Bartyczak (10): Vault 9.45, 1st; Bars 9.475, 1st; AA 36.5, 3rd
Bella Stofka (10): Floor 8.9, 6th
Paige McElrath (7-9): Vault 7.75, 3rd; Bars 8.05, 4th; Beam 8.4, 4th; Floor 8.65, 4th; AA 32.85, 4th
Cameron Lyons (10): Vault 8.2, tied 5th; Bars 8.4, 4th; Floor 8.95, 2nd; AA 33.95, 6th
Isabella Cranshaw (11): Vault 8.6, tied 3rd, Floor 9.4, tied 2nd
Sarah Fleming (11): Bars 9.025, 1st; Floor 8.65, 6th; AA 34.6, 5th
Ashley Pelligrino (12): Vault 8.525, 4th; Bars 9.05, 1st; Beam 8.1, 5th; Floor 9.2, 2nd; AA 34.875, 3rd
Jocelyn Conroe (13): Vault 8.9, 3rd; Bars 9.125, 2nd; Beam 8.55, 3rd; Floor 9.25, 1st; AA 35.825, 2nd
Masey Low (13): Vault 9, 2nd; Bars 9.275, 1st; Beam 9.05, 2nd; Floor 9.15, 3rd; AA 36.475, 1st
Sydney Nickens (14+): Vault 9.1, 1st; Bars 9.65, 1st; Beam 8.9, tied 3rd; Floor 9.2, 2nd; AA 36.85, 1st
Brittany Krohmer (14+): Vault 9, 2nd; Bars 9.075, 4th; Beam 8.525, 5th; Floor 9.15, tied 3rd; AA 35.75, 4th
Kaitlin McClullen (14+): Bars 8.65, 5th; Beam 8.45, 6th; Floor 9.15, tied 3rd; AA34.2, 6th
Arianna Ponce (14+): Vault 8.75, 3rd; Bars 9.1, 3rd; Beam 9.05, 2nd; Floor 9, 5th; AA 35.9, 3rd
Diana Chavez (14+): Vault 8.2, 5th
Gymnasts from Paragon Training Center competed in the meet, hosted by Excalibur Gymnastics, in Virginia Beach, on Feb. 15?17.
LEVEL 4 (teamd 1st)
Lauren Moss (Child A): Vault 8.875, 5th; Bars 9.3, tied 3rd; Beam 8.75, 3rd; Floor 9.1, 3rd; AA 36.025, 3rd
Aubrey Nagy (Child B): Vault 9.25, 1st; Beam 8.95, 6th; AA 36.1, 6th
Camille Trotta (Child B): Bars 9.5, 2nd
Hannah Grau (Child B): Vault 9.2, tied 2nd
Deana Harris (Jr A): Vault 9.05, 6th; Bars 9.625, 2nd; Floor 9.4, 1st; AA 36.8, 2nd
Violet Fanara (Jr A): Vault 9.275, 1st; Bars 9.85, 1st; Floor 9.15, tied 5th; AA 36.425, 5th
Gabby Henning (Jr A): Vault 9.1, 4th; Bars 9.55, tied 4th
Kayleigh DiMattio (Jr A): Beam 9.1, 1st
Sophia Housand (Jr B): Bars 9.9, 1st; Beam 9.325, 2nd; Floor 9.5, tied 1st; AA 37.525, tied 1st
Kourtnie White (Jr B): Vault 9.4, 1st; Bars 9.75, 2nd; Beam 9.25, 3rd; AA 37.45, 3rd
Mailee Roberts (Jr B): Vault 9.225, 3rd; Bars 9.5, 4th; Floor 9.1, 6th; AA 36.825, 4th
Rachel Turman (Sr A): Vault 9.45, 1st; Bars 9.925, 1st; Beam 9.125, 2nd; Floor 9.35, tied 2nd; AA 37.85, 1st
Sara Miranda (Sr A): Vault 9.225, tied 4th; Bars 9.75, 2nd; Beam 9.1, tied 3rd; Floor, 9.45, 1st; AA 37.525, 2nd
Meghan Broyan (Sr A): Bars 9.65, 3rd; Beam 9.1, tied 3rd; Floor 9.35, tied 2nd; AA 37.225, 3rd
Samantha Tollefson (Sr A): Vault 9.275, 2nd; Beam 8.9, 6th; Floor 9.175, 6th; AA 36.35, 5th
Mia Allison (Sr A): Vault 9.15, 6th; Bars 9.2, tied 6th; AA 36.125, 6th
Maya Moffett (Sr A): Vault 9.225, tied 4th
Mazie Rudloff (Sr B): Vault 9.325, 1st; Bars 9.5, tied 4th; Beam 8.925, 6th; Floor 9.3, 2nd; AA 37.05, 2nd
Aurelia Manzanedo (Sr B): Vault 9.15, 5th; Bars 9.65, 1st; Beam 9.1, 3rd; Floor 9.6, 1st; AA 36.9, 4th
LEVEL 5 (teamd 2nd)
Kaylie Sutton (Child A): Vault 8.95, 4th; Bars 9.9, 1st; Beam 8.95, tied 5th; Floor 9.45, 2nd; AA 37.25, tied 1st
Peyton Van Dyk (Child A): Vault 8.85, 5th; Bars 9.45, 3rd; Beam 9.35, 1st; Floor 9.6, 1st; AA 37.25, tied 1st
Anneliese Koenig (Child A): Vault 9.1, 1st; Bars 9.4, 4th; Beam 8.95, tied 5th; Floor 9.425, 3rd; AA 36.875, 3rd
Rayla Buckner (Child A): Vault 8.5, tied 6th; Bars 9.25, 5th; Beam 9.0, 4th; Floor 9.325, 4th; AA 36.075, 4th
Zoe Gayle (Child A): Floor 9.075, 6th
Madelyn Miller (Child B): Vault 8.8, tied 4th; Bars 9.35, 1st; Beam 9.075, 3rd; Floor 9.2, tied 4th; AA 36.425, 2nd
Alley Arnold (Junior A): Vault 9.0, tied 4th; Bars 9.775, 1st; Floor 9.375, 1st; AA 36.95, 2nd
Trinity Luxeder (Junior A): Vault 9.1, tied 1st; Bars 9.55, 2nd; Beam 8.925, 6th; Floor 9.3, 4th; AA 36.875, 3rd
Paige Lingo (Junior A): Bars 9.2, 5th
Zayda Rodriguez (Junior B): Vault 9.225, 3rd; Bars 9.725, tied 1st; Beam 8.925, 6th; Floor 9.3, tied 5th; AA 37.175, 2nd
Chloe Bullock (Junior B): Vault 9.2, 4th; Bars 9.3 4th; Beam 9.15, 4th; AA 36.775, 3rd
Angela Potts (Junior B): Bars 9.725, tied 1st; Beam 9.0, 5th; AA 36.725, 4th
Harmony Derrick (Senior A): Vault 8.875, 2nd; Bars 9.275, 2nd; Beam 8.75, tied 5th; Floor 9.375, tied 1st; AA 36.275, 2nd
Kayleigh Turner (Senior A): Vault 8.55, tied 4th; Bars 9.25, tied 3rd; Beam 9.175, 1st; AA 35.825, 3rd
Ashley Young (Senior B): Vault 9.0, 2nd; Bars 9.475, 1st; Beam 8.9, 4th; Floor 9.5, 2nd; AA 36.875, 1st
Shelby Lam (Senior B): Vault 9.1, 1st; Bars 9.4, tied 2nd; Beam 9.0, 3rd; Floor 9.125, 4th; AA 36.625, 2nd
Kailey Schoolfield (Senior B): Bars 9.4, tied 2nd; Beam 9.15, tied 1st; Floor 9.275, 3rd; AA 36.125, 3rd
Makala Purifoy (Senior B): Vault 8.825, 3rd; Bars 9.15, 4th; Beam 8.85, 5th; AA 35.150, 4th
Erin Davenport (Senior B): Vault 8.65, 4th; Bars 8.55, tied 5th; Floor 8.8, 5th; AA 34.45, 6th
LEVEL 6 (teamd 4th)
Carly Baker (Jr A): Vault 9.175, 6th; Bars 9.325, 2nd; Beam 8.95, 1st; AA 36.15, 2nd
Kameryn Daniels (Jr A): Vault 9.25, 4th; Bars 9.35, 1st; Beam 8.9, tied 2nd; Floor 9.175, 1st; AA 36.675, 1st
Mia Hall (Jr B): Bars 9.15, 2nd; AA 34.625, 6th
Haylee Randall (Jr B): Vault 9.15, 2nd; Beam 8.55, 5th
Abigail Taber (Jr B): Vault 9.3, 1st; Bars 9.0, 3rd; Beam 8.5, tied 6th; Floor 8.875, 3rd; AA 35.675, 2nd
Annabelle Parker (Sr B): Vault 9.275, 4th; Beam 8.825, 3rd; AA 35.2, tied 4th
McKenna Whitesell (Sr B): Vault 9.375, 2nd; Bars 9.1, 2nd; Beam 9.0, 1st; Floor 9.35, 1st; AA 36.825, 1st
Stafford Parks and Recreation
8?9 girls: 1. Brooklyn Duncan; 2. Isabella Richards; 3. Amber McComber.
8?9 boys: 1. Dawson McKoy; 2. Deshawn Henderson; 3. Andrew Goodman.
10?11 girls: 1. Morgan Dugan; 2. Lorelei Griffis; 3. Sierra Barbee.
10?11 boys: 1. Trevor Franklin; 2. Nevan Moran; 3. Ayden Jessee.
12?13 girls: 1. Amiah Mitchell.
12?13 boys: 1. Brian Diaz; 2. Maurice Johnson; 3. Andrew Merrow.
14?17 boys: 1. Angel McComber.
14?17 boys: 1. C, J. Kannan; 2. Cullen Johnson; 3. Tyler Rohrman.
Permalink: http://news.fredericksburg.com/sports/2013/02/25/local-recreational-results-swimming-gymnastics-basketball/
Source: http://news.fredericksburg.com/sports/2013/02/25/local-recreational-results-swimming-gymnastics-basketball/
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