Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Smart as a bird: Flying rescue robot will autonomously avoid obstacles

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? Cornell researchers have created an autonomous flying robot that is as smart as a bird when it comes to maneuvering around obstacles.

Able to guide itself through forests, tunnels or damaged buildings, the machine could have tremendous value in search-and-rescue operations. Small flying machines are already common, and GPS technology provides guidance. Now, Ashutosh Saxena, assistant professor of computer science, and his team are tackling the hard part: how to keep the vehicle from slamming into walls and tree branches. Human controllers can't always react swiftly enough, and radio signals may not reach everywhere the robot goes.

The test vehicle is a quadrotor, a commercially available flying machine about the size of a card table with four helicopter rotors. Saxena and his team have already programmed quadrotors to navigate hallways and stairwells using 3-D cameras. But in the wild, these cameras aren't accurate enough at large distances to plan a route around obstacles. So, Saxena is building on methods he previously developed to turn a flat video camera image into a 3-D model of the environment using such cues as converging straight lines, the apparent size of familiar objects and what objects are in front of or behind each other -- the same cues humans unconsciously use to supplement their stereoscopic vision.

Graduate students Ian Lenz and Mevlana Gemici trained the robot with 3-D pictures of such obstacles as tree branches, poles, fences and buildings; the robot's computer learns the characteristics all the images have in common, such as color, shape, texture and context -- a branch, for example, is attached to a tree. The resulting set of rules for deciding what is an obstacle is burned into a chip before the robot flies. In flight the robot breaks the current 3-D image of its environment into small chunks based on obvious boundaries, decides which ones are obstacles and computes a path through them as close as possible to the route it has been told to follow, constantly making adjustments as the view changes. It was tested in 53 autonomous flights in obstacle-rich environments -- including Cornell's Arts Quad -- succeeding in 51 cases, failing twice because of winds. The results were presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Portugal Oct. 7-12.

Saxena plans to improve the robot's ability to respond to environment variations such as winds, and enable it to detect and avoid moving objects, like real birds; for testing purposes, he suggests having people throw tennis balls at the flying vehicle.

The project is supported by a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. The original article was written by Bill Steele.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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FDNY?s one-woman Twitter team guiding New Yorkers

FDNY Social Media Manager Emily RahimiAs Hurricane Sandy barreled down on the Northeast on Monday, a one-woman response team at the Fire Department of New York monitored Twitter through the night to help people in need.

Emily Rahimi, a seven-year veteran at the FDNY, kept New Yorkers updated on developments from a storm that flooded many parts of the city Monday night through the official department Twitter feed. In a flurry of more than 100 tweets, Rahimi, who was still working at her desk on Tuesday morning, replied to cries for help sent out on the social media service, passed along updates from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and followed up when New Yorkers posted tweets of thanks.

"I was just tweeting to people who were not able to get through to 911," Rahimi told Yahoo News.

Rahimi posted updates to the official FDNY Twitter account urging those facing emergencies to dial 911. Because the response effort was divided among city government agencies, calling 911 allowed dispatchers to filter out assignments instead of every request going to the fire department.

"*Do not* tweet emergency calls," Rahimi wrote as the storm hit.

But for those unable to access a phone or who could not get through, Rahimi was there to help.

"My friends' parents who are trapped on #StatenIsland are at 238 Weed Ave. Water almost up to 2nd flr.," posted Michael Luo, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.

"I have contacted dispatch," Rahimi responded within minutes. "They will try to send help as soon as they can."

Rahimi's tweets sometimes helped serve as a much-needed voice of support while victims of the storm waited for help to arrive.

"[A] volunteer's brother is trapped in 301 oriental blvd apt 4h can u help us?" a user with the account name @bklyndafna posted on Twitter.

"Has he called 911?" Rahimi posted in response.

"yes no response," @bklyndafna said.

"That area is busy now. Units are working as quickly/safely as possible. Will make sure dispatch is on it. Keep in touch with him," Rahimi wrote back.

The FDNY Twitter feed is full of conversations between distressed friends and relatives and the FDNY, which offered support and guidance.

The account is still up and running, providing advice for poststorm safety and, of course, still on the lookout for those who are stranded.


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Rebels, civilian protesters storm Libya parliament

Mohammed Dabbous / Reuters, file

Libya's national assembly elected Ali Zeidan as prime minister on October 14. His transitional government would replace an interim administration appointed in November after Moammar Gadhafi's death.

By NBC News wire services

TRIPOLI, Libya -- Protesters stormed Libya's national assembly on Tuesday, forcing the cancellation of a vote on a proposed coalition government named by the country's new prime minister just hours earlier.

Fewer than 100 people, made up of civilians and former rebel fighters, charged into the meeting hall of the General National Congress as it voted on Prime Minister Ali Zeidan's cabinet line-up, which was drawn from liberal and Islamist parties.

In chaotic televised scenes, congress members negotiated with the protesters, who were unhappy with some of the nominations, to leave. Voting then briefly resumed before being interrupted a second time, leading congress president?Mohammed Magarief?to announce the session was postponed to Wednesday.

"Let it be known to all Libyans and to the whole world in what conditions we are working in," Magarief said.

Libya's new president, Mohammed Magarief, tells NBC's Ann Curry that the recent trouble in Libya is the unfortunate price of creating a democracy after decades of dictator-rule. Magarief lived in exile for 20 years in Atlanta before returning to Libya and becoming president.

For Zeidan to take office, the congress has to approve his transitional government, which will focus on restoring security in the oil-producing country where many militias have yet to disarm since Moammar Gadhafi's overthrow last year.

Zeidan's transitional government would replace an interim administration appointed in November after Gadhafi's death.

Some ministers come from the liberal National Forces Alliance or the Muslim Brotherhood's political wing, the Justice and Construction Party, the two biggest parties in the 200-member congress. Others are independents.

Aware of Libya's sharp regional tensions, Zeidan said he had tried to strike a geographic balance among his 27 ministers.

"No region has been favored over any other," he told congress earlier on Tuesday. "We don't want to repeat mistakes or provoke the street."

Congress elected Zeidan as prime minister this month after his predecessor, Mustafa Abushagur, lost a confidence vote on his choice of ministers, criticized inside and outside the assembly.

Goran Tomasevic / REUTERS

An uprising in Libya ousts dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

A former career diplomat who defected in the 1980s to become an outspoken Gadhafi critic, Zeidan will govern the country while the congress, elected in July, passes laws and helps draft a new constitution to be put to a national referendum next year.

Security challenges
Outgoing Defense Minister Osama al-Juwali exposed the scale of the security challenge facing Libya's new rulers when he said on Monday the government had no control over Bani Walid, a former Gadhafi stronghold captured by militia forces supposedly loyal to Tripoli on October 24.

Patrick Kovarik / AFP - Getty Images

A look at the life and times of Libya's mercurial and flamboyant leader

Al-Juwali said he had tried to visit the town, but troops accompanying him had been denied access. This, he said, showed that "the chief of staff has no control over the town, and this might mean armed men won't allow civilians to go back."

More Libya coverage from NBC News

Five days earlier, the army chief of staff had announced the end of military operations in Bani Walid, one of the last towns to fall to rebels in last year's war, but which some militias had accused of still sheltering Gadhafi supporters.

Last year's fight that ended in Gadhafi's ouster and death after 42 years in power was largely carried out by regional militias that amassed weapons. But long after the civil war ended, the militias continue to serve under their own leaders and wield significant power even though they have nominally come under the control of the state's military and police forces.

The lack of control of the government over the militias it relies on was brought home in the starkest terms on Sept. 11, the day of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, the eastern city where last year's uprising against Gadhafi began. The Islamist group Ansar al-Shariah, one of the biggest militias in Benghazi, is suspected in the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Officials in Libya say they have arrested four suspects in connection to the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in which U.S. ambassador Stevens and three embassy staff were killed. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports from Tripoli.

The killings in Benghazi fueled popular anger against the militias. Just a week after the assault, tens of thousands of Benghazis attacked the headquarters of Ansar al-Shariah and another militia in Benghazi and drove them out.

The government took advantage of the public anger. In the days after the attack, authorities carried out high-profile weapon hand-ins in Tripoli and Benghazi and issued ultimatums for all militias to submit entirely to government control.

Friends and family members of the victims of the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, recall loved ones' bravery and courage. TODAY's Savannah Guthrie reports.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NYSE to test new storm plan, trading floor undamaged

(Reuters) - NYSE Euronext said it is preparing to implement a new contingency plan to help resume stalled U.S. equity trading, and added that its famed trading floor is not yet damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

Under the plan outlined late on Monday, all trading in NYSE-listed securities would be executed on the Arca exchange, NYSE said in a notice issued to traders.

NYSE Arca will offer firms the ability to test the opening and closing auctions on NYSE Arca on Tuesday from 8 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) until 12 noon ET, the exchange said. (

Opening auctions will run at 9:30 a.m. ET and closing auctions will run at 12 noon ET, the exchange said.

"We stress that, as of now, there has been no damage to the NYSE Euronext headquarters that would impair trading floor operations," NYSE said in the notice.

The contingency plan was described as "precautionary" given the unpredictability of the storm that has flooded parts of New York city.

Nasdaq OMX said in a trader alert late on Monday it would operate its production system in a testing capacity from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET. (

In the event that the markets are able to open on Wednesday but the NYSE headquarters and trading floor in lower Manhattan are unavailable for trading, NYSE Arca would open and trade Tape A equities as usual.

NYSE and the smaller NYSE MKT would remain closed as per the contingency plan.

U.S. stock markets will be closed for a second day on Tuesday, as Wall Street turned its attention to whether markets would be able to resume functioning on the month's final trading day on Wednesday.

Wednesday is a key trading day because it marks the end of the month, when traders price portfolios.

U.S. stock markets closed on Monday due to weather for the first time in 27 years. Bond markets closed early, at noon, as winds and waves from Hurricane Sandy lashed the Eastern seaboard.

The NYSE had said on Sunday it planned to close its trading floor and to move all trading to its electronic market. It backtracked on that idea after traders and regulators expressed concern about moving everything to the all-electronic venue, a plan tested on March 31 but never used live, given the difficulties and low staffing levels due to the storm.

With New York still to feel the full impact of the storm Monday evening, fears remained that wind damage and possible power outages could test the ability of markets to reopen.

(Additional reporting by John McCrank; Editing by Rodney Joyce)


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Additional Kepler data now available to all planet hunters

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., is releasing 12 additional months worth of planet-searching data meticulously collected by one of the most prolific planet-hunting endeavors ever conceived, NASA's Kepler Mission.

As of Oct. 28, 2012, every observation from the extrasolar planet survey made by Kepler since its launch in 2009 through June 27, 2012, is available to scientists and the public. This treasure-trove contains more than 16 terabytes of data and is housed at the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes, or MAST, at the Space Telescope Science Institute. MAST is a huge data archive containing astronomical observations from 16 NASA space astronomy missions, including the Hubble Space Telescope. It is named in honor of Maryland U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski.

Over the past three years the Kepler science team has discovered 77 confirmed planets and 2,321 planet candidates. All of Kepler's upcoming observations will be no longer exclusive to the Kepler science team, its guest observers, and its asteroseismology consortium members and will be available immediately to the public.

The objects already discovered may only be the tip of the iceberg. The data store contains clues to the existence of as yet undiscovered planets and a record of stellar behavior of stars near the Sun.

Since its launch, the Kepler spacecraft has stared almost nonstop at more than 150,000 stars in the direction of the summer constellations Cygnus and Lyra. The Kepler mission is operated by NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif.

The spacecraft simultaneously measures the variations in brightness of the stars every 30 minutes, searching for periodic dips in a star's brightness that occur when an orbiting planet crosses in front of it and partially blocks the light from its parent star.

These fluctuations are tiny compared with the brightness of the star. For an Earth-size planet transiting a solar-type star, the change in brightness is less than 1/100 of 1 percent. This event is similar to the amount of dimming if a flea were to crawl across a car's headlight viewed from several miles away.

These brightness variations are available in the Kepler inventory. Finding planets requires stellar detective work by repeatedly measuring variations in the brightness of target stars.

In addition to yielding evidence for planets circling some of the target stars, the Kepler data also reveal information about the behavior of many of the other stars being monitored. Kepler astronomers have discovered star spots, flaring stars, double-star systems, and "heartbeat" stars, a class of eccentric binary systems undergoing dynamic tidal distortions and tidally induced pulsations.

There is far more data in the Kepler archives than astronomers have time to analyze quickly. Avid volunteer astronomers are invited to make Kepler discoveries by perusing the archive through a website called "Planet Hunters," ( A tutorial informs citizen scientists how to analyze the Kepler data, so they may assist with the research. Visitors to the website cannot actually see individual planets. Instead, they look for the effects of planets as they sweep across the face of their parent stars. Volunteer scientists have analyzed over 14 million observations so far. Just last week citizen scientists announced the discovery of the first planet to be found in a quadruple-star system.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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BP hikes dividend, looks beyond 2014

LONDON (Reuters) - British oil company BP Plc raised its dividend on Tuesday and signaled a more upstream-focused future beyond 2014 along with stronger than expected quarterly profits.

Chief Executive Bob Dudley also outlined the British group's preparedness for a court battle with U.S. authorities over its 2010 U.S. Gulf oil spill, and declared the new Russian strategy it announced last week a "truly distinctive position in one of the world's largest and most important oil and gas provinces."

Third quarter underlying replacement cost profit fell to $5.2 billion from $5.5 billion a year ago. A shrinking business, lower production and lower crude prices took their toll, but the effect was partly offset by a co-incidence of strong refining margins and the company's highest availability of refinery capacity in years.

The result was ahead of analysts' expectations of around $4.1 billion, mainly because of the refining result, and up from $3.7 billion in the second quarter.

BP jacked up its dividend by 12.5 percent to 9 cents a share, its second dividend increase since the spill interrupted payouts.

"They're very strong numbers. They've successfully captured in Q3 refining margins, certainly within the U.S. so that's the reason for the strength within the Q3 earnings," said Bernstein analyst Oswald Clint.

BP has fallen to a distant fourth in the top tier of oil and gas companies after the Macondo well disaster, and amid uncertainty over the future of its Russian operations.

The company had shed vast chunks of its business since the spill that killed 11 people and triggered the United States' worst ever offshore environmental disaster in a bid to raise enough cash to pay compensation.

It is in talks with the Department of Justice and other U.S. agencies regarding a final settlement, but despite reports during this year that an out-of-court deal was close, no such agreement has materialized.

"Whilst it (BP) is ready to settle on reasonable terms, a number of unresolved issues remain and there is significant uncertainty as to whether an agreement will ultimately be reached." BP said in its results statement.

"BP has repeatedly said that it is willing to settle on reasonable terms but otherwise continues to prepare vigorously for the start of trial."

BP said trial is now scheduled for late February 2013.


BP last week embarked on a plan to re-arrange its assets in Russia, agreeing to sell its half of the profitable but mature and troublesome TNK-BP business for $12.4 billion in cash plus a 19.75 percent stake in state-controlled Russian group Rosneft .

The aim is to realise a return from a business that has paid no dividends back to BP this year due to disputes with its co-owners, AAR, and to establish a relationship with Rosneft, which is at the center of a much more government-controlled approach to resource development in Russia than was the case when BP bought into TNK-BP in the 1990s.


Beyond that, Dudley also sketched BP's plans beyond 2014 for the first time, predicting a more upstream focused and more oil-centric oil and gas group in future.

"BP expects to generate future growth through increased investment in new upstream projects in higher-margin areas and through new access and exploration," he said.

"BP's business portfolio is expected to become more tightly focused around its strong existing positions and its key operating strengths."

Ironically, TNK-BP, like the refining operations it is busy shedding as part of its divestment programme, also underpinned BP's performance beating result, according to some analysts, many of whom remain sceptical that BP can catch up with its rivals in the industry.

"The sale of TNK-BP to Rosneft, while the removing the headache of being in partnership with AAR, still leaves BP as a large minority in company heavily influenced by the Russian state and Macondo settlement with the US DoJ appears no closer," said Richard Griffiths of Oriel Securities in a research note maintaining his Hold recommendation.

Bigger rivals Exxon Mobil , Royal Dutch/Shell and Chevron are due to report their results later this week.

BP shares were up 3.7 percent at 440.8 pence in morning trade. The stock is still down 33 percent from levels before the 2010 oil spill, while Europe's STOXX oil and gas index <.sxep> is down 4 percent over the same period.

(Reporting by Andrew Callus; Editing by Sarah Young)


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Smokin&#39; Chokin&#39; and Chowing with the King: Eating BIG in Nashville

Eating like a local:
Regional food specialties

-Meat & 3's, Spicy Fried Chicken, Biscuits, BBQ and Cocktails in the Music City

I took a drive down to Nashville for my cousins bachelor party and had a blast. I've been saving this post for Bears fans headed down there this weekend. I'd never been but know for sure I will be back. I could even see myself living down there if the option was on the table and that's usually not the case for places down South. I knew about the CMA's and the fact it was known for it's music scene and a favorite place for Blackhawks fans to travel to watch away games and also the home to an NFL franchise which in case you've never been to Green Bay, doesn't mean much as far as fun things to do while eating and drinking well goes. But Nashville had the feel of a young up and coming city with neighborhoods like the historic Germantown becoming hip again and from what I was told a very vibrant farmers market along with other little things you see when a city starts booming.

Nashville Tennessee

As evidence from this classic LTH post shows, Tennessee is a legit BBQ state especially for whole hog. But that tends to be found more towards the middle of the state. Nashville has BBQ and of course the most accessible places in the most touristy areas suck. On the regional food map Nashville is known not for its BBQ but for its spicy chicken and also their "Meat and Three's" (read on) and biscuits. It's southern country down to the core when it comes to their food likes. Before we even got settled in at the house we were renting I had to take a ride to Prince's Hot Chicken. One of the most well known and popular places to eat at in Nashville.

Local and tourist favorite

Located in a strip mall in an urban part of town. When we came in the late afternoon, the liquor store next door had Young Jeezy blasting on speakers outside and I got a chuckle out of it knowing my cousin and his sisters boyfriend were out of place and most likely wondering "where the (bleep) did he find this place and what are we getting into" My younger brother was with us too but he already knew what I do. Be not afraid my friends, everyone is there with the same goal and that's to get some of that spicy fried goodness. I felt like we arrived in the south when I went inside the original no frills location where they sling their famous spicy fried chicken mostly to those on the go and until the early morning on weekends.

Prince's mild, yet still spicy, chicken

They season the bird up with spices that make your lips heat up a little bit more with each bite. They offer their chicken in mild, medium, hot and extra hot but they're all spicy. I imagine mild would still be too spicy for those who don't like spice at all. It's not mild. I got two whole birds both mild and medium to take back to the place. Extra pickles please. It was pretty damn fantastic and I love eating fried chicken with pickles, what a pair. Just to see how hot it was I got a quarter dark, extra hot for myself which we tried in the patking lot. It was "f^cking hot" that's exactly what I said. I decided it'd be funny to get a few more quarter extra hots and leave them in the fridge for my cousin and his friends to eat when they got in later that night. Of course without mentioning the heat factor. The four of us who knew gotta good laugh outta that when they bit the bait. Imagine that southside guy with the bald head sweating balls on a hot summer day at the Cell, that was them.

Prince's HOT, EXTRA HOT, chicken

Bolton's is another spicy fried chicken place that gets some love on here and elsewhere. I've long had them on my list. I went here hans solo on Saturday when the rest of the group went golfing. It's a real gem of a southern fried chicken shack located in East Nashville. All first time visitors should seek Bolton's out. Anyone looking for something to do next July who also loves fried chicken should check out the Music City Hot Fried Chicken Festival. It sounded pretty fun and of course theres some damn good spicy fried chicken to be had.

Bolton's Spicy Chicken and Fish

Bolton's is a fun experience and the people working there were so welcoming. There's three tables to dine in at and a little space to wait but like Prince's they do alot of takeout. As you enter you need to go knock on the door to the kitchen when ready. Actually you need to use the door knocker as I knocked with my knuckes a few times looking like a true tourist as I stood there pretending not to be. It was a few knocks before someone waiting on their order told me I had to "slam the sh!t outta the knocker so they can hear you dude" Followed by a "welcome to Nashville man, where you from?" Lots of southern hospitality was showed to me on this visit.

A Nashville Summertime favorite

Menu -- A view inside from where you order

I knew about the chicken from Bolton's and of course was going to try that but I was more excited about trying the hot fish sandwich. While it's certainly not original to Nashville, the fish sandwich is another one of their lesser known eats. Called a "hot fish" they're offered at quite a few places which I had hoped to get to. As I rode to Bolton's there was a local East Nashville youth football team that was selling fish sandwiches with a car wash out of a vacant parking lot. I'm still sad I never made it back there to chat it up with the folks offering them. In Nashville the typical hot fish sandwich includes fried whiting but in most every case catfish is offered as well. You get two large pieces stuffed inside cheap white bread along with mustard, onions, pickles and hot sauce.

Whiting Hot Fish Sandwich

I was tempted to try the most regularly used option of whiting and that's what I did. You cant really eat the thing as sandwich but it was pretty dang good. Certainly kicks the shit out of the filet o' fish not that that means much. It was ok but the catfish looks and I'm sure tastes better. They got the frying game down here and do an excellent job with their chicken. I got it hot but it didn't throw flames like Prince's did. I went with the 1/4 white and it was up there with the greats as far as fried bird goes but the breast was a little dry, that's my fault for ordering white, I almost never do.

1/4 Chicken Sandwich (breast and wing)

On Friday morning I had only one goal and that wasn't figuring out what we were going to do for the day. I had to get to Arnold's Country Kitchen and wasn't doing anything else until I did so. It's closed on weekends but this is the type of place you take work off on Friday and start your trip early for. A must visit in my book.

Arnold's Country Kitchen: Home of the Meat & Three

Just like he was there to greet me at Prince's, Tex Wasabi was also at Arnold's. No that's not his red camero parked in front popping into the bottom right hand corner of the picture but his picture was on the walls as you enter. Well you know what broph? The dude gets to some righteous places yo! F'real though! I don't watch the show but should of known he'd already been to Nashville's most popular "meat and three" option. Friday was a great day to be there with roast beef and chicken and dumplings on the menu, which is determined by what day of the week it is.

Roast Beef carvery station

Waiting to pay as the place fills up for the lunch rush

So a 'meat & three' in case you were wondering is a popular southern way of eating out. Served by places that usually offer their food cafeteria style where you walk in and grab a tray and then get into line. Once it's your turn you choose what you want by telling the guy behind the counter and he's plop's it onto your plate which you then proceed to take the cash register where you pay before you find a seat and eat. Those not a fan of places like Edzo's wont be fond of Arnold's. Coincidentally you'll be missing out on some fantastic food. If your not a fan of places where the food is already made you wont like Arnold's but the constant line makes for the cooks in back being busy the whole time they're open. This was the best cafeteria style food I've ever ate. It's what I've been craving since we got back.

Meat & two: Catfish with collard greens and fried green tomatoes

I could side with anyone who ever took a 3+ hour ride to eat here and then turned around and drove back. Not much I can say except everything I ate was GREAT. The roast beef as seen in the pic collage was getting finished up when I got mine carved and then a few people later they brought out a new one. I can pretend to taste how great the middle pieces to it are.

Meat & three: Roast Beef with mashed potatoes, mac & cheese and green beans

If I could of got a little rarer slices that's the only thing that could of made this entire meal slightly better for me. Even so, some of the best roast beef I've had, I don't know what they season theirs with but its tantalizing to the tastebuds. The chicken and dumplings were a revelation. I know I cant find anything like them near here but will seek them out when I'm in areas south of the city. I'll try perfecting my own recipe when winter comes. I never had them that good. Desert was great but I forgot what we ate, I was too busy going back into line to get an order of it all to take back to the house.

Chicken & Dumplings -- Pie

After a late or rather crack of dawn morning I had to get a little sleep on Saturday and woke up ready for another southern breakfast bonanza. Unless its late in the wee hours of the night there's not much reason to do Waffle House while in Nashville. Save it for the road and those times you don't want to venture far off the highway while en route somewhere else. Go to Arnold's and the Nashville Biscuit House for breakfast while in Nashville.

An East Nashville locals favorite

I read about the Nashville Biscuit House in a book about southern biscuits I was browsing at Lynn's Paradise Cafe in Louisville on a stop we made while riding down. I had seen some other things on it and had it in my address list of places to seek out so it was perfect for breakfast around noon. This place is pretty diverse and had everything from church going African American families to gay hipsters waiting to eat. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Its def. a fan favorite, they had a full house but they also have a drive thru window which is what we used. I was getting food to feed 13 and this place was perfect with their biscuit sandwiches offered with your choice of meat along with eggs and cheese. Each one was $2.25 and we got something like 7 country ham, 7 sausage and 7 bacon along with 7 full orders of biscuits and sausage gravy. If you think that's too much, I was wishing we got more.

Full order of Biscuits & Gravy, highway robbery at $3.50 an order

This like Arnold's I consider a must. The Loveless Cafe is considered my many to have the best biscuits in the world but these would be damn hard to beat. Without a doubt the best I ever had as well as everyone else who was with us down there and ate one or in my case four of them. But then again we some damn Yankees. I'd eat these weekly if there was anything like 'em in Chicago.

An arsenal of breakfast biscuit sandwiches that would make Paula Deen weak in the knees

Nashville is booming and one way to tell is the hipsters that have come thru. With them come some cool new spots and of course the cocktail trend has taken off too. This is one trend in the food/drink industry that I'm a fan of. I cant take cheap vodka and cranberries or Jack & Cokes anymore. I hate Red Bull and when it comes to cheap beer I'll drink a High Life bottle if that's what you got but that's about it. No wine (yet) for me. Ever since a couple friends opened Barrellhouse Flat within walking distance from where I live and showed me the light, I've become a cocktail snob. On Friday me and three others decided to stray away from Broadway street and ditch the Miller Lites for some Bacon Old Fashioneds and such. Its located in a popular part of town with a few other bars up and down the block where more of the locals tend to hang out around.

The Patterson House

Perfect timing as we got a little afternoon rain that day in Nashville. The Patterson House is a speakeasy like cocktail bar opened up by two brothers with prior endeavors in the Nashville bar scene. The idea came about for them on a trip here to Chicago when they went to the Violet Hour. They fell in love with the drinks, service and atmosphere of VH so they decided to bring something similar to Nashville. As someone who's been to both, they did a damn fine job. The Patterson House is named after Malcom R. Patterson who was the 27th governor of the state of Tennessee. He vetoed a bill during his 2nd term that would of lead to the return of statewide prohibition. He argued the issue should be decided at the local level rather than statewide. In a rare instance for this time period his veto was overturned.

As you enter, the waiting area outside the curtained off drinking room

His memory lives on thru the Patterson House. Inside its very dark so pictures without a flash are pointless. All four of us loved our cocktails which I forget the exact ingredients and names of each one but they were all great including their famous bacon old fashioned. Foodwise its a southern influenced menu with no item being more than $13 and most of them made to share. I tried the fresh fried pork rinds which were as good as any batch I've ever had. Also on the menu was their "Elvis Panini". While not in Memphis we were still in Tennessee and as they say "when in Rome" Peanut butter, banana and bacon are pressed into a tasty sandwich. It's cliche to say but, what isn't made better with the addition of bacon? True story.

Fresh fried pork rinds -- The Elvis Panini Sandwich

On Saturday my cousins and everyone else planned to play some golf and I have no patience for the game. Which was fine because this would give me the chance to seek out a few other places I really wanted to get too including another speakeasy type place located in East Nashville called the Holland House Bar & Refuge.

Holland House Bar & Refuge

The more places that pop up like Holland House the better off the bar scene in that area is as far as I'm concerned. This was a little more my style with there being some light inside. Still no TV's or anything like that but I just hate going into those pitch dark places and then walking out tipsy and its light out still. It throws my balance off. Holland House is a great place to start while Patterson is better to end your night.

My view from the bar

Holland House began when a local mixoligist who had helped make the menus at some other Nashville bars decided he wanted to do something new. Elsewhere in Nashville there was a Dutch businessman who owned a piece of old property that used to be an antique store. He wanted to give it a new identity and somewhere along the lines they were introduced and Holland House was born. The idea was to unify fine new American culinary tradition with a classic epicurean cocktail culture set in an affordable neighborhood friendly atmosphere. They knocked it out of the park for me, I'd love to have this place as one of my local holes.

(Top) Pharmacy Cobbler Drink -- Spring Drink Menu

(Bot.) Black Lemon Old-Fashioned

I got cozy with Mick who was the bartender on my side of the bar and let him take me away as far as drinks go. We started it off light as he suggested a 'Pharmacy Cobbler' which I got with gin and comes with fresh muddled fruit in season (berries this trip), phosphated lime soda and St. Germain. Excellent summertime drink on a 85+ degree day. Mick continued to take care of me as we talked cocktails and what not and when I told him my love for drinking whiskey Old Fashioneds while in Wisconsin and the fact I wanted to try something with bourbon, it had to be the Black Lemon Old Fashioned for round 2. Two ounces of bourbon go into a glass muddled with lemon and fresh blackberries. Add in a giant piece of ice that takes forever to melt and I was drinking my favorite cocktail I've had in a while. It was perfect for the setting. I ordered their shrimp and grits which were so very, very good and then finished with a "Pyre and Mighty" which was a Rhittenhouse rye whiskey and pear liquor paired drink served shaken. I'd of tried three more if I didn't have to go home to get ready for the evening.

Shrimp and Grits with asparagus

Even though I wasn't golfing I had to drive a carload of people to the course which it turned out was about 40 minutes from Nashville. At first I wasn't too happy and I ended up not getting to go to the Farmer's Market that Saturday afternoon which I really wanted to do. There were a couple food trucks, one a biscuit driven one and the other a Delta Style Tamale truck I wanted to try but I never made it due to the time it took to get there and back and also go to Bolton's and Holland House. But I was blessed with some BBQ in one of those out of the blue unplanned moments when eating in an area you dont know much about. It was a nice ride with some scenic views outside the city as we went into the rocky top lands.

Cruising the country lands north of Nashville

It was on the ride there that I spied the Old Fashion BBQ "since 1975" sign and I suddenly didn't care quite as much that I was going to miss the Farmers Market as I saw this little BBQ shack located alongside somebody's house with a line outside post lunchtime. I actually stopped here on the way back after dropping them off and finding another similar place. But lets take a look at this place first. Its owned by a guy who lives next door and with his wife they sell BBQ out of the little shack located in their backyard on the weekends.

Preparing my order after its made

Here in Robertson County the local bbq of choice seems to be chopped pork served sandwich style. At Old Fashion BBQ which was featured in a best BBQ in America article back in the early 80's, they offer only sandwiches. I had no idea about this place but found this cool blog about the BBQ here after I came home and searched them. Aside from that guys post and now this one here, this place is virtually non existent in an online world where its hard to be. Its on Tom Austin Highway and they serve some great perfectly smokey pork.

Old Fashion BBQ chopped pork

This was some great sandwich meat. I had to get a couple pounds which I brought back to the house for the others to indulge in when they got back. It had the perfect amount of smoke and all it needed were those cheap buns and his hot sauce and we had some real deal BBQ. Well before I went here as I tried to search on my iPhone for the place I was led to another located the opposite way. It all worked out.

The Tennessee Boondocks

Located in the middle of nowhere off the side of the road is this little smoke shack which is a wkd operation. I had to go in and try their BBQ and was glad I did. They also sell their chopped pork by the pound ($5) and offer it in meals or as sandwiches. They do smoked chicken and ribs. I got a couple pounds to go for them and a dinner for me.

The view from the ordering counter

Another treasure and a great place to just stumble upon. There's no Famous Daves or KFC's out around this way but who cares when you got Mike's Old Fashioned BBQ. Their sides were wonderful, basically how you expect traditional all American potato salad and cole slaw to taste. The real highlight of Mike's was their sauce which goes on the sandwiches and into the meat. Its a very light vinegar based brew that takes the sandwich from good to really good. I got 10 bottles of the pre-bottled stuff seen in the picture to take back and use this summer. Not bad at $2.50 each.

BBQ pork dinner from Mike's old Fashion BBQ

Of course theres also Broadway Street which is Nashville's Bourbon Street, Beale Street, 7th avenue (Ybor City), Church Street (Orlando) and so on. Every southern city with tourism dollars coming in has a street where tourists and locals like to go get loose. They can be fun times if your under 35 and stop by during the day and get to hear some people playing music you might like it no matter your age or music tastes. As far as food goes around Broadway and 2nd street (off Broadway, another popular nite life area) your best bet is to stick with what you already know is good. My cousins friends ate at a couple BBQ spots and one was really bad and they said Jack's BBQ was ok, some said pretty good. I enjoyed both my Vienna Beef Chiacgo style hot dogs with with everything around 2a when the bars were closing down.

a little taste of Sweet Home Chicago in the Music City

I'm not a big fan of country music but the performers brought the energy in at these bars around there. The best entertainment though was the free stuff, the locals. If your lucky enough to get the chance to see The Nashville Clogger perform at the bars while hes out and about drinking, you'll love him, it was a trip. When he would get going with one the bachelorettes there dancing he would get going. That old man can dance! Then there was the Nashville Freestyle Drummer who was hilarious. Well known for his freestyles calling out the passerby's he gets the corner of Broadway he's set up at rocking on the weekend nights. It was as entertaining as anything the both nights we saw him. They both give a great peak into both of the types of music featured in Nashville's musical scene. Plenty of scenic views in these parts too if you like those like I do.

Broadway Street from a bars balcony on a Saturday night

I already have plans for trip to Green Bay and hopefully Dallas for 2012-13 Bears away games and now I think I'm going to try and do Nashville too. You know Cutty's going to want to put on a show and most likely will. It's a place that will be on my radar from here on in. If your ever driving down to Nashville from Chicago and taking 65 you can check this thread for recs.

Hope to see you in early November Nashville...DA BEARS!


Boltons Spicy Chicken & Fish (Closed Sun)
624 Main St # B
Nashville, TN
(615) 254-8015

Nashville Biscuit House (open 7days til 2p)
805 Gallatin Ave
Nashville, TN
(615) 228-4504

Holland House Bar & Refuge
935 West Eastland Avenue
Nashville, TN
(615) 262-4190 ?

Mike's Old Fashioned BBQ (wkds)
3655 Dunn Road
Cedar Hill, TN 37032
(615) 696-1111


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Wanted: &#39;Entry-level&#39; philanthropists | Metro

Bestselling author Amor Towles is in the Yorkville branch of the Toronto Public Library, describing how a man in Manhattan once asked him for help and then led him down a set of basement stairs to an unknown destiny.

The author of Rules of Civility, dapper in jeans, a white shirt and beige jacket, is speaking at an exclusive event for the library?s New Collection, a group of under-40 philanthropists.

New Collection is the library foundation?s youth wing, an attempt to attract the dollars of the city?s rich young elite.

Their participation is vital if cultural institutions like it are going to survive as fewer and fewer people give to charity.

Since 1990, the number of people claiming charitable deductions on tax returns has gone down 22.5 per cent. And although the amount donated has recently gone up, it?s only because the baby boomers and civics, the group born in 1945 and before, are giving more.

That can?t last forever.

?It is critical for Canadian charities to start tapping into Gen X and Gen Y,? says Karen Willson, senior vice president at KCI, the country?s largest fundraising consultant firm. ?They are the future to the financial well-being of our charitable sector.?

On this Saturday night, most of the 50 or so people in the audience at the Yorkville branch, which with no small irony was built by a donation from Andrew Carnegie ? the U.S. titan of philanthropy ? are in the right age group.

Towles, who moved from a Boston suburb to the Big Apple when he was 25, inhaled New York for more than 20 years before he breathed life into the pages of Rules of Civility, his first novel. The book is about how a woman?s chance encounter with a man at a club in the ?30s shapes her life. It was named one of the best works of fiction in 2011 by the Wall Street Journal.

The author finishes his story about the basement in New York ? it turns out a congregation of Orthodox Jews was eating dinner in a dark basement on the Sabbath and needed somebody to turn on the lights ? and begins another. It?s about a dinner again, this time at a restaurant with his wife.

Towles was about to say hello to a man he recognized at an adjacent table ? the father of a friend ? when he heard the woman across from the man say: ?For seven years you?ve been telling me you?re going to leave that woman. When are you going to do the right thing??

Towles and his wife had inadvertently heard the details of the couple?s seven-year affair.

It?s those kind of personal stories the foundation hopes will entice young professionals to join New Collection for $300 a year. For $500 you can bring a friend.

It?s ?entry level philanthropy,? says Gillian Hewitt Smith, who sits on the library?s board. The library holds similar events for over-40 patrons who give $1,000 or more.

The donations don?t replace core municipal funding. The $3- to $5 million raised each year is used to enhance programs and services, such as the Sun Life Financial Museum and Arts Pass, which gives library members ? many in priority neighbourhoods ? access to free passes for cultural venues including the zoo. The foundation raised $30 million for the Toronto Reference Library?s revitalization project.

?The country is going through a pretty significant transformation,? says Smith, referring to a StatsCan report that said by 2011 our net labour force growth could be entirely dependent on immigration, as would Canada?s net population growth in 20 years.

?Just think about that for a second. All we?re doing is holding the absolute number of people steady in the country,? she says. ?So what that means is if you?re not fully engaging every single Canadian politically, socially, culturally and economically, the country goes backwards. It doesn?t matter if you?re an employer, a consumer or a cultural institution. We physically need all hands on deck.?

Getting that level of involvement means foundations will have to change the way they do business.

?I think they have to provide different opportunities to younger donors,? says Andrew Watt, CEO and president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Instead of sitting on boards and using their contacts, ?people actually want to feel engaged, not just with the glitz and the glamour, but with the organization,? he says. ?And understand what it wants to achieve.?

Smith says that when the New Collection committee did that research, they found that although younger patrons were interested in socializing, they ?wanted the chance to think broadly about city building issues or issues in general. Those are the types of speakers that we?ve brought to their attention over the last little while.?

The series has included Jodi Kantor, the New York Times journalist who wrote The Obamas, and Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh who penned Trainspotting.

Next month, Helen Burstyn will talk about The Life of David Pecaut, the book she wrote about her late husband who co-founded Luminato.

New Collection hopes to attract 300 to 500 members.

?The spirit of what we?re trying to do, and the institution that we?re supporting, is open to absolutely everyone,? says Smith. ?That?s the point. We?re trying to support an institution that supports us all.?


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Report: Pop star arrested in UK abuse case

British police arrested convicted sex offender and former pop star Gary Glitter on Sunday as part of an investigation into allegations of child sex abuse by the late BBC presenter Jimmy Savile, media said.

Glitter was released on bail some 10 hours later. But the arrest - the first to be reported in the case - widened a scandal that has already damaged the reputation of the publicly-funded BBC and the legacy of Savile, a former DJ who was one of the broadcaster's top show hosts and a prolific charity fundraiser.

The head of the BBC's governing body said on Sunday the broadcaster's reputation was on the line, and promised to get to the bottom of the scandal.

'A steep fall' for BBC as child sex abuse scandal rocks UK

A police statement said a man in his 60s had been picked up just after 7 am (0700 GMT) on suspicion of sexual offenses in the investigation termed "Savile and others." The statement did not name the man and a spokesman declined further comment.

The BBC and Sky News identified the man picked up from his London home as Glitter, a 68-year-old who was popular as a glam-rock singer in the 1970s.

Footage on both broadcasters showed Glitter, who was wearing a hat and sunglasses and was not handcuffed, leaving an apartment in central London and being driven away. Hours later, television showed investigators carrying large black bags as they left the house.

Glitter was held by police for about 10 hours. He was seen leaving a police station in central London and, minutes later, return to his apartment, where he dodged questions by scores of waiting reporters and cameramen.

Police later said the man was "bailed to return to the police station in mid-December 2012, pending further inquiries."

Jimmy Savile abuse scandal stuns Britain: a who's who primer

Glitter, born Paul Gadd, shot to fame in the early 1970s with the hit "Rock and Roll," trademark figure-hugging shiny silver all-in-one suits, platform shoes and large black hair.

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Glitter served two months was jail in Britain in 1999 for possession of child pornography. He then moved to Cambodia, but was deported in 2002 due to suspected sex offences.

In 2006, a Vietnamese court convicted him of committing obscene acts with two girls aged 10 and 11 and sentenced him to four years in jail. On his release he returned to Britain.

Allegations that Savile sexually abused young girls for decades first emerged in an expose on the British TV channel ITV. Since then, police say some 300 victims had come forward.

Victims' allegations broadcast by ITV include claims from one woman that she had seen Glitter having sex with an underage girl in Savile's BBC dressing room while Savile abused another girl. Glitter has denied the claim, according to the BBC.

With the scandal widening, public outrage has increased. A cottage in the Scottish Highlands that belonged to Savile was vandalized overnight, with abusive slogans painted on its walls, local police said.

Blind eye?
The scandal has raised troubling questions about the BBC's management and its past workplace culture. Revelations that an investigation by Newsnight, the BBC's flagship TV news show, was shelved last December led to claims bosses at the broadcaster knew about the allegations but kept quiet.

"Can it really be the case that no one knew what he was doing? Did some turn a blind eye to criminality?" asked Chris Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust which oversees the broadcaster, writing in the Mail on Sunday.

Video: Savile BBC scandal shocks UK (on this page)

The Sunday Times said the office of former BBC director Mark Thompson was alerted about the allegations twice, in May and September. Thompson is poised to take over as chief executive of the New York Times, and the Sunday Times quoted his spokesman as saying Thompson had not been told about the allegations on either occasion.

Thompson has told Reuters that he did not know about the nature of the investigation by the Newsnight program into Savile, and had no involvement in the decision to axe the report.

The BBC said on its website on Sunday that "Thompson has said the first time he had been made aware of claims that Savile had committed serious crimes and that some had taken place while the entertainer was working at the BBC was after he stepped down as director general."

The broadcaster has announced two investigations as a result of the scandal, and Patten promised full cooperation.

"The BBC's reputation is on the line," he wrote. "The BBC must tell the truth and face up to the truth about itself, however terrible."

When Savile died in October last year aged 84, his gold coffin went on public display and he was lauded as a "national treasure" who had raised millions of pounds for good causes.

A year later, police describe him as "undoubtedly" one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders, and the Vatican said a papal knighthood given to Savile decades ago for his charity work "should not have been bestowed".

Savile's family said it was in despair over the allegations and offered its "deepest sympathy" to abuse victims. It also said it had decided to remove the headstone on Savile's grave and destroy it to avoid it becoming a target for vandals.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling on Sunday rejected a call by the deputy leader of the opposition Labour party for an independent, over-arching inquiry, arguing that such a process risked taking much longer to get to the truth.

Grayling told the BBC that efforts should focus on finding anyone involved in abuse alongside Savile and bringing them to justice.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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CSN: Lincecum just wants to win in any role

October 27, 2012, 10:33 pm

Dan Hayes


DETROIT -- Aside from a few slips of the tongue, Tim Lincecum has been nearly perfect this postseason in his new role.

The Giants right-hander added yet another chapter of dominance out of the bullpen on Saturday night as he delivered 2 1/3 shutout innings in a 2-0 victory over the Detroit Tigers in Game 3 of the World Series.

[BAGGS' INSTANT REPLAY: Giants one win away from World Series title]

Lincecum followed 5 2/3 scoreless innings from starter Ryan Vogelsong with three strikeouts and limited the Tigers to a walk. In 13 innings as a reliever this postseason, Lincecum has a 0.69 ERA and 17 strikeouts while allowing only three hits and two walks.

If the two-time Cy Young Award winner harbors any disappointment after he was removed from the rotation before the World Series, it hasn?t surfaced in his performance.

The Giants send Matt Cain to the mound in Game 4 at 5:07 p.m. on Sunday against Detroit?s Max Scherzer in search of their second World Series title in three seasons.

?The second we got that ring, it?s like that taste for that next ring is just sitting right in your mouth the whole time,? Lincecum said before he decided to reword his statement. ?That sounds terrible. Let me rephrase that. It just leaves you wanting it even more, and if that means being a good teammate or being in the bullpen, I really don?t care. I just want to win.?

In his only 2012 postseason start, Lincecum allowed four earned runs, six hits and walked three in 4 2/3 innings in a loss at St. Louis in Game 4 of the National League Championship series.

The Oct. 18 performance came on the heels of a regular season in which Lincecum -- a Cy Young winner in 2008 and 2009 -- finished with a 5.18 ERA, the worst among qualifying National League starters.

But the bullpen has been a different story.

Lincecum?s 0.69 relief ERA is the 11th lowest in major league postseason history for pitchers with at least 13 innings.

If he?s unhappy with his temporary role, it?s yet to be detected by teammates and coaches, who said they?re impressed with how he has handled the transition.

?He could have been upset about going to the bullpen, and not one second did you ever see that from him,? Vogelsong said. ?He just went down there and came out firing BBs, and he?s been really impressive.?

?He has relished the role,? manager Bruce Bochy said. ?He accepted it and really acted like he looked forward to helping the club in that role, and that?s why I think he?s having success.?

He must have really relished Saturday?s opportunity.

After he took over for Vogelsong in the bottom of the sixth inning with a man aboard and two outs, Lincecum got Jhonny Peralta to line out to right-center field. He defused a potential seventh-inning rally after he walked Austin Jackson with two outs with a three-pitch strikeout of Quintin Berry, the last two strikes swinging.

But Lincecum saved his best for the eighth when he retired Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera on a grounder to short and struck out cleanup hitter Prince Fielder on three pitches. After Delmon Young reached on Brandon Crawford?s throwing error, Lincecum finished the frame with a strikeout of Andy Dirks.

Not only was Lincecum?s changeup effective, his fastball topped 93 mph.

?He definitely has an air about him,? catcher Buster Posey said. ?It?s confidence. And the stuff is really, really good. The fastball has movement I haven?t seen in a while. I don?t know exactly why that is, but I?ll take it.?

Reliever George Kontos thinks he has the explanation. Lincecum has been ?airing it out? in the bullpen because he doesn?t have to preserve anything for later innings. Instead of pitching deep into a game, Lincecum can use his entire arsenal knowing he?ll only need to 30-plus pitches.

?He?s not worried about pacing himself,? Kontos said. ?He?s going batter-by-batter and he?s just giving the hitter everything he has got and he?s got some pretty good stuff.?

Dan Hayes is the White Sox Insider for


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

95% The Sessions

All Critics (77) | Top Critics (31) | Fresh (73) | Rotten (4)

It sends viewers out of the theater with a heightened sense of the physical and a real feeling for all the things that sex means in human life.

The achievement of this simply told, exceptionally fine film is the clarity with which it portrays the drama of a good soul in an inert body.

Hawkes' performance is the must-see hook of The Sessions, but Hunt gives this funny, touching movie its soul.

Character actor John Hawkes is often cast as a frightening rustic (Winter's Bone, Martha Marcy May Marlene), but he gives a tender and witty performance here as Mark O'Brien.

The joy of The Sessions goes beyond sexual healing. It makes physical intimacy far more a matter of the heart, and you won't be alone wiping an occasional tear.

O'Brien was the subject of an Oscar-winning short "Breathing Lessons," and it seems likely that "The Sessions" will receive a few nominations of its own. It deserves them.

A powerful expression of our common needs, fears, and consolations.

For better and for worse, The Sessions has 'crowd-pleaser' written all over it.

Neither an issue-pushing disability drama or a crude, American Polio-style sex comedy, The Sessions is sweet and winning - 'feel good' minus the fingers down the throat.

Another dynamite vehicle for John Hawkes, in which Lewin's affecting script overcomes his pedestrian direction.

Skilled direction, a talented cast and a simple but elegant story will garner a lot of sympathy from its targeted, more mature audience.

It offers a relatable depiction of the powers of a positive mental attitude and perseverance in spite of horrendously bad luck. And some Oscar-caliber acting, to boot.

An incredibly low-key and feel-good adult movie about sex that's much funnier than most people are probably expecting, highlighted by a pair of Oscar-caliber performances by its two leads.

A frank exploration of sex and disability, The Sessions compensates for a minor structural misstep with an acute ear for tone and stellar performances throughout.

The bottom line here is that yes, a movie about a physically disabled man makes for one of the sexiest date nights of the year. Unless you're allergic to over-20s.

With Ben Lewin's film The Sessions, Hawkes is given the biggest and juiciest leading role of his career, and he pulls it off with remarkable grace and humor.

Less dreary than uplifting, The Surrogate succeeds as a light romance with heavy material.

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State of the Race in Florida, According to Marco Rubio

ORLANDO, Fla. - Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is optimistic about Mitt Romney's chances against President Obama in the state, telling reporters today: "I'd rather be us than them."

"You look at - you compare what is going on on the ground today to 2008 - it's not even comparable in terms of the work that we're doing on the ground here in Florida," said Rubio, venturing back to the press cabin on Romney's campaign plane flying from the Pensacola to Orlando for the last three stops on Romney's Florida campaign swing. "And of course, you've seen the public polling - and everything I've seen confirms - I think we have enthusiasm on our side, and the best way to put it is, in Florida, I'd rather be us than them."

Recent polls show a tight race between Romney and Obama in the Sunshine State, which Obama won by a narrow margin in the 2008 election.

According to the Republican National Committee and the Romney campaign, 900,000 voter contacts were made in Florida alone last week and five times more phone calls and 47 more door knocks have been executed this cycle than at this time during the last election.

Rubio stopped short of predicting a landslide victory for Romney, saying, "I don't know if anyone wins Florida big," but seemed pleased with the amount of time Romney has spent campaigning in the state.

According to records kept by ABC News, Romney has held more than 39 campaign events in the Sunshine State since the beginning of the year and has spent 16 days here since April. The only other swings state that rivals Florida for Romney's attention is Ohio - where Romney has spent 19 days in the same time frame.

But Rubio said he understands Florida and Ohio are "both important."

"That's why they have this plane, so they can get there and here," Rubio joked. "You know, they are both important obviously. But I feel great about Florida. I do.

"I mean, we've got to finish the job. We're ahead. It's the fourth quarter," he said. "We're getting close to the two-minute warning. But we've got to win the game. We've got to finish the game out."

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