Friday, June 1, 2012


"Ladies and Sirs,

The sea of ages shifts the sands of a new era, an era of technology and scrutiny never before experienced by our kind. Long gone are our days of peaceful existence. No longer can we remain hidden away from the world in the shadows, our presence dismissed as mere fantasy. We are each in danger of being discovered. With every picture taken with a cellular phone, with every security camera recording our movements we grow closer to discovery.

The old rules have served us well, they keep the young from making foolish mistakes and remind the old that immortality does not mean invulnerability. They have served to determine property law, hospitality law and our social rules for nearly five hundred years. However, it is time we draft new rules and guidelines to meet the changing world we must live in.

To this end, my friends, I invite each of you and your families to join me at my Connecticut manor. Here we will draft new laws for our people and sign into being a renewed future for our kind. I hope to see you all in attendance.

Lady Eleanor Monteblance"

Vampires perish when exposed to direct sunlight (tinted glass seems enough to stop this), however ultraviolet light does nothing to them (they can even tan in a tanning bed). They can eat normal food and drink normally but their bodies to not process any nutrients from what they eat and it isn't a comfortable experience. Vampires are not stronger, faster or more reflexive than normal people, nor do they possess heightened senses. The only advantages that vampires have over humans is that they age much slower, and the longer they have lived the slower this aging becomes. Vampires cannot bear children, nor sire them and have a need to drink blood to survive. Vampires without blood will slow down and become sluggish, eventually finding it difficult to perform day to day movements. A few idealistic youths have gone years without feeding, only to find themselves living as a sickly human, most of their nights spent sleeping. Each "family" of vampires is a house, representing the twelve noble families who existed with the first rules were laid down concerning the behavior of vampires. If you do not have a house then you are subject to immediate destruction.

The old laws can be summed up into three parts: Do not create more of your kind without the express consent of your house. Do not allow your nature to be revealed. Do not seize the property of another house.

This will be a social/political role play hopefully involving several different houses. There will be room for twelve houses (meaning 12 last names), more than one character can belong to the same house, in fact it is encouraged. Houses are encouraged to draw inspiration from Eastern or Western Europe where the condition originated (First case was in France).

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances... Some are just much better than others.

haywire underworld awakening dog the bounty hunter tacoma narrows bridge weather nyc open marriage department of justice

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