Sunday, January 22, 2012


?Uh, it doesn?t surprise me,? he said. ?But it?s, uh, again, the president?s focused more on the next election than on the next generation. Getting this country, uh, dependent on, uh, foreign sources of crude, and on countries that are not our friends is, uh, really problematic. So this Canadian oil, uh, there?s a possibility we could lose it to China, uh, with that decision. So I hope Americans will really become unhinged with that decision, because it is a really bad decision for our country, for energy independence, and, uh, sends a horrible message at a time that we?re headed, uh, to $4 to $5 oil?sorry, $4 to $5 gasoline, uh, to have a neighbor who?s willing to sell us crude that is, uh, available.?


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