Monday, April 29, 2013

High school student shoots himself in classroom

CINCINNATI (AP) ? A student at an Ohio Catholic high school is in critical condition after police say he pulled out a gun and shot himself in his classroom.

A University of Cincinnati Medical Center spokeswoman reported the student's condition Monday afternoon, about six hours after the shooting at La Salle High School west of Cincinnati.

She says his parents have provided a statement thanking people for their thoughts and prayers while asking for privacy. She didn't release any other information about the student's condition.

Police say there was no apparent threat to anyone else at the school. The high school went immediately into lockdown, and students have been dismissed to their parents.


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What type of pet would you recommend for my circumstances? | The ...


I live in an apartment in a college town where most pets that can?t be kept in a terrarium, aquarium or cage are not allowed. With these restrictions in mind what good pets would you recommend?

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Best Solver (Answer):

Answer by andreea
a cat..

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Nintendo now selling refurbished DSi XL and 3DS units from $100 and up

Nintendo now selling refurbished 3DS and DSi XL

It's easy for us to go shopping for a refurbished Nintendo handheld at stores and auction houses, but not if we're looking for a huge bargain: small discounts and dodgy quality often make it wiser to buy new instead. Nintendo has just offered us some better reasons to scrimp and save by quietly offering both the DSi XL and 3DS through its refurb shop. The used (and occasionally bruised) systems respectively start at $100 and $130, or $30 and $40 less than they'd normally cost -- enough to justify splurging on a game or two. While the selection is currently scarce, we'll set that qualm aside when everything gets the same year-long warranty as a new unit. About the only debate left is whether or not we're looking for a dedicated game machine in the first place.

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Via: Nintendo Everything, Ars Technica

Source: Nintendo


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In a first, black voter turnout rate passes whites

WASHINGTON (AP) ? America's blacks voted at a higher rate than other minority groups in 2012 and by most measures surpassed the white turnout for the first time, reflecting a deeply polarized presidential election in which blacks strongly supported Barack Obama while many whites stayed home.

Had people voted last November at the same rates they did in 2004, when black turnout was below its current historic levels, Republican Mitt Romney would have won narrowly, according to an analysis conducted for The Associated Press.

Census data and exit polling show that whites and blacks will remain the two largest racial groups of eligible voters for the next decade. Last year's heavy black turnout came despite concerns about the effect of new voter-identification laws on minority voting, outweighed by the desire to re-elect the first black president.

William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, analyzed the 2012 elections for the AP using census data on eligible voters and turnout, along with November's exit polling. He estimated total votes for Obama and Romney under a scenario where 2012 turnout rates for all racial groups matched those in 2004. Overall, 2012 voter turnout was roughly 58 percent, down from 62 percent in 2008 and 60 percent in 2004.

The analysis also used population projections to estimate the shares of eligible voters by race group through 2030. The numbers are supplemented with material from the Pew Research Center and George Mason University associate professor Michael McDonald, a leader in the field of voter turnout who separately reviewed aggregate turnout levels across states, as well as AP interviews with the Census Bureau and other experts. The bureau is scheduled to release data on voter turnout in May.

Overall, the findings represent a tipping point for blacks, who for much of America's history were disenfranchised and then effectively barred from voting until passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

But the numbers also offer a cautionary note to both Democrats and Republicans after Obama won in November with a historically low percentage of white supporters. While Latinos are now the biggest driver of U.S. population growth, they still trail whites and blacks in turnout and electoral share, because many of the Hispanics in the country are children or noncitizens.

In recent weeks, Republican leaders have urged a "year-round effort" to engage black and other minority voters, describing a grim future if their party does not expand its core support beyond white males.

The 2012 data suggest Romney was a particularly weak GOP candidate, unable to motivate white voters let alone attract significant black or Latino support. Obama's personal appeal and the slowly improving economy helped overcome doubts and spur record levels of minority voters in a way that may not be easily replicated for Democrats soon.

Romney would have erased Obama's nearly 5 million-vote victory margin and narrowly won the popular vote if voters had turned out as they did in 2004, according to Frey's analysis. Then, white turnout was slightly higher and black voting lower.

More significantly, the battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida and Colorado would have tipped in favor of Romney, handing him the presidency if the outcome of other states remained the same.

"The 2012 turnout is a milestone for blacks and a huge potential turning point," said Andra Gillespie, a political science professor at Emory University who has written extensively on black politicians. "What it suggests is that there is an 'Obama effect' where people were motivated to support Barack Obama. But it also means that black turnout may not always be higher, if future races aren't as salient."

Whit Ayres, a GOP consultant who is advising GOP Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a possible 2016 presidential contender, says the last election reaffirmed that the Republican Party needs "a new message, a new messenger and a new tone." Change within the party need not be "lock, stock and barrel," Ayres said, but policy shifts such as GOP support for broad immigration legislation will be important to woo minority voters over the longer term.

"It remains to be seen how successful Democrats are if you don't have Barack Obama at the top of the ticket," he said.


In Ohio, a battleground state where the share of eligible black voters is more than triple that of other minorities, 27-year-old Lauren Howie of Cleveland didn't start out thrilled with Obama in 2012. She felt he didn't deliver on promises to help students reduce college debt, promote women's rights and address climate change, she said. But she became determined to support Obama as she compared him with Romney.

"I got the feeling Mitt Romney couldn't care less about me and my fellow African-Americans," said Howie, an administrative assistant at Case Western Reserve University's medical school who is paying off college debt.

Howie said she saw some Romney comments as insensitive to the needs of the poor. "A white Mormon swimming in money with offshore accounts buying up companies and laying off their employees just doesn't quite fit my idea of a president," she said. "Bottom line, Romney was not someone I was willing to trust with my future."

The numbers show how population growth will translate into changes in who votes over the coming decade:

?The gap between non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black turnout in 2008 was the smallest on record, with voter turnout at 66.1 percent and 65.2 percent, respectively; turnout for Latinos and non-Hispanic Asians trailed at 50 percent and 47 percent. Rough calculations suggest that in 2012, 2 million to 5 million fewer whites voted compared with 2008, even though the pool of eligible white voters had increased.

?Unlike other minority groups, the rise in voting for the slow-growing black population is due to higher turnout. While blacks make up 12 percent of the share of eligible voters, they represented 13 percent of total 2012 votes cast, according to exit polling. That was a repeat of 2008, when blacks "outperformed" their eligible voter share for the first time on record.

?White voters also outperformed their eligible vote share, but not at the levels seen in years past. In 2012, whites represented 72 percent of total votes cast, compared to their 71.1 percent eligible vote share. As recently as 2004, whites typically outperformed their eligible vote share by at least 2 percentage points. McDonald notes that in 2012, states with significant black populations did not experience as much of a turnout decline as other states. That would indicate a lower turnout for whites last November since overall voter turnout declined.

?Latinos now make up 17 percent of the population but 11 percent of eligible voters, due to a younger median age and lower rates of citizenship and voter registration. Because of lower turnout, they represented just 10 percent of total 2012 votes cast. Despite their fast growth, Latinos aren't projected to surpass the share of eligible black voters until 2024, when each group will be roughly 13 percent. By then, 1 in 3 eligible voters will be nonwhite.

?In 2026, the total Latino share of voters could jump to as high as 16 percent, if nearly 11 million immigrants here illegally become eligible for U.S. citizenship. Under a proposed bill in the Senate, those immigrants would have a 13-year path to citizenship. The share of eligible white voters could shrink to less than 64 percent in that scenario. An estimated 80 percent of immigrants here illegally, or 8.8 million, are Latino, although not all will meet the additional requirements to become citizens.

"The 2008 election was the first year when the minority vote was important to electing a U.S. president. By 2024, their vote will be essential to victory," Frey said. "Democrats will be looking at a landslide going into 2028 if the new Hispanic voters continue to favor Democrats."


Even with demographics seeming to favor Democrats in the long term, it's unclear whether Obama's coalition will hold if blacks or younger voters become less motivated to vote or decide to switch parties.

Minority turnout tends to drop in midterm congressional elections, contributing to larger GOP victories as happened in 2010, when House control flipped to Republicans.

The economy and policy matter. Exit polling shows that even with Obama's re-election, voter support for a government that does more to solve problems declined from 51 percent in 2008 to 43 percent last year, bolstering the view among Republicans that their core principles of reducing government are sound.

The party's "Growth and Opportunity Project" report released last month by national leaders suggests that Latinos and Asians could become more receptive to GOP policies once comprehensive immigration legislation is passed.

Whether the economy continues its slow recovery also will shape voter opinion, including among blacks, who have the highest rate of unemployment.

Since the election, optimism among nonwhites about the direction of the country and the economy has waned, although support for Obama has held steady. In an October AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of nonwhites said the nation was heading in the right direction; that's dropped to 52 percent in a new AP-GfK poll. Among non-Hispanic whites, however, the numbers are about the same as in October, at 28 percent.

Democrats in Congress merit far lower approval ratings among nonwhites than does the president, with 49 percent approving of congressional Democrats and 74 percent approving of Obama.

William Galston, a former policy adviser to President Bill Clinton, says that in previous elections where an enduring majority of voters came to support one party, the president winning re-election ? William McKinley in 1900, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936 and Ronald Reagan in 1984 ? attracted a larger turnout over his original election and also received a higher vote total and a higher share of the popular vote. None of those occurred for Obama in 2012.

Only once in the last 60 years has a political party been successful in holding the presidency more than eight years ? Republicans from 1980-1992.

"This doesn't prove that Obama's presidency won't turn out to be the harbinger of a new political order," Galston says. "But it does warrant some analytical caution."

Early polling suggests that Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton could come close in 2016 to generating the level of support among nonwhites as Obama did in November, when he won 80 percent of their vote. In a Fox News poll in February, 75 percent of nonwhites said they thought Clinton would make a good president, outpacing the 58 percent who said that about Vice President Joe Biden.

Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the NAACP, predicts closely fought elections in the near term and worries that GOP-controlled state legislatures will step up efforts to pass voter ID and other restrictions to deter blacks and other minorities from voting. In 2012, courts blocked or delayed several of those voter ID laws and African-Americans were able to turn out in large numbers only after a very determined get-out-the-vote effort by the Obama campaign and black groups, he said.

Jealous says the 2014 midterm election will be the real bellwether for black turnout. "Black turnout set records this year despite record attempts to suppress the black vote," he said.


AP Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta and News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.

EDITOR'S NOTE _ "America at the Tipping Point: The Changing Face of a Nation" is an occasional series examining the cultural mosaic of the U.S. and its historic shift to a majority-minority nation.


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Forever Families: Timothy and Cecilio look for forever home together ...

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Playing with pups at the Austin Animal Center was right up Cecilio and Timothy's alley.

The brothers love animals. They don't have any pets right now, but it's something the boys look forward to getting once they're adopted.

Training the canines isn?t easy, but the brothers are up for it. They've learned to go with the flow and adapt to new adventures in foster care. It's not easy for Cecilio to talk about, but his younger brother tries to explain.

"Adopted family is your forever home, foster family you can get moved anytime, anywhere, anyplace," Timothy said.

The brothers were already separated from their other siblings, but they hope a forever family will keep them together.

"I want to stay with at least one family member,? Timothy said. ?I don't wanna be a lonely kid the rest of my life."

Cecilio is a boy any little brother would look up to. He likes getting outside and hanging out with friends.

"I'm a cool friend," he said.

Like with any brothers, there are moments of teasing. But they get along and hope a family has a place for them in their hearts.

"We're friends, brothers,? Timothy said. ?Who wouldn't want to adopt two little brothers?"

Timothy wants to be a marine biologist someday and Cecilio is still deciding what he'd like to do.

For more information about these two brothers, and how you or someone you know can give them a forever family, please contact the Adoption Coalition of Texas at


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Amanda Bynes shaves half of her head

By Drusilla Moorhouse, TODAY contributor

Amanda Bynes' bizarre behavior (don't call it erratic!) has been tabloid fodder for years now, and the former child star has been fanning the flames on her personal Twitter account.

Her hair has been the subject of many rants, including an early April gripe that a salon damaged her locks?so badly that she had to shave her head. ?

She proved she did just that on Thursday, showing off her buzzed scalp in a series of selfies.

"I buzzed half my head like (pop star Cassie)!" she tweeted, along with a grinning emoticon.

The 27-year-old starlet didn't go full Britney -- can anyone forget Spears' 2007 meltdown in a Tarzana hair salon? Blond, wavy locks still cascade from the crown of Bynes' head.

"This is the new me!" Bynes added. "I love it!"

Do you love Amanda's new look? Tell us on our Facebook page.


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Tumblr's David Karp Gets Down To Business At TechCrunch Disrupt NY

Screen Shot 2013-04-26 at 8.52.21 AMCh - ch - ch- changes! The six-year-old media startup Tumblr is going through quite a few right now, namely focusing on?profitability versus growth?in its product efforts -- ?enabling a promoted post feature?in addition to just recently launching mobile ads. The company is looking for a "Sheryl Sandberg-type" COO, amidst a series of executive departures and layoffs.


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Google policy change stops apps like Facebook from bypassing Play Store updates

Google policy change stops apps like Facebook from bypassing Play Store updates

Google just released a new Play Store version (4.0.27) that, at first glance, contains only very minor tweaks -- except for one little thing. A new policy change will no longer permit any apps to update without going through the Play Store's internal system. That won't affect most software, but there's a notable exception in Facebook, which recently added auto-downloading to the latest version of its Android app, allowing it to bypass Play. The new policy seems designed to put a stop to that kind of thing, but you never know -- it could be just be a coincidence.

[Thanks, Thomas]

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Source: Google Play


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Buzzword round-up (Unqualified Offerings)

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Microsoft is desperately trying to steal users away from Android

By Simon Evans WASHINGTON, April 24 (Reuters) - Landon Donovan's return to the U.S. squad for June's World Cup qualifiers is no certainty as the country's all-time top scorer dropped down the pecking during his break from the game, coach Juergen Klinsmann said on Wednesday. Donovan has already missed World Cup qualifiers against Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico in recent months following his decision last December to take a break from the game. ...


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Eric Schmidt Thinks Controlling Google Glass with Your Voice Is "the Weirdest Thing"

There's a lot of quirkiness to Google Glass and a lot of stuff that Google still has to figure out. One of those things, according to ol' Google CEO Eric Schmidt, is talking out loud to control Google Glass. In a talk at Harvard today, Schmitty literally called it "the weirdest thing". More »


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Snoop Lion Defends Rick Ross' Freedom Of Speech

'When you're buying Rozay, you're buying all that come with it,' Snoop tells 'RapFix Live' in reference to Ross' fallout with Reebok.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Sway Calloway


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AP twitter hacking causes stocks to fall

>>> welcome back. right now the dow is down about 12 point. but it is much calmer on wall street than we witnessed yesterday afternoon. the government is looking into the hacking of the associated press's twitter account which referred to a flash crash. it created a post saying there were explosions at the white house and the president was injured. the dow plunged more than 140 point wiping out more than $140 billion before gaining it all back. joining me live now, tyler mathisen , co-anchor of cnbc's "power lunch." i'm curious, looking at the tick tock , tyler , how soon before people realize what happened there.

>> it happened quickly. i was on the air at the time, tamron , and my cohost, sue herera , noticed that dow dove about 150 point there, very quickly. and there was a lot of scurrying down on the floor of the new york stock exchange . simultaneously, i was hearing in my ear that this hack and presumably, we knew very quickly, that it was a bogus hack, had taken place, and that that probably explained it. it was a matter of a couple of minutes. one of the things we don't know yet, tamron , and really one of the focuses of the investigation, is whether this attack was simply a malicious party trying to unnerve a nation already on edge after the boston bombings last week or whether it could have been someone somewhere trying to profit by the very quick down and up that it caused in the stock market . because if you put that kind of fake tweet out there, you know that the markets are going to pick it up and react negatively.

>> i think, tyler , you know because this is your business. but i think most people would be stunned to know that based on a tweet, that the markets could swing in such a way so give me -- educate us on how that works, of all things that a tweet could cause that.

>> sort of yes and no, tamron . the market reacts to rumors all the time. rumors there's been a bombing at an oil installation in nigeria. or things that are filtered through one way or another. somebody tells somebody. what is different now is the speed and the transmission method, in this case, by twitter. and what happened in this case, clearly, is that there are an awful lot of program traders, who are following lots of different feeds. news feeds, twitter feeds, all kind of sources. and those traders' computers pick up the feeds. pick up the language they would see, ap, bombs, white house , and immediately, they would send cell signals, ask questions later, or react now. so that how it really happens. is it these were all computerized trades that o were getting executed, based on the alga rhythms in the system. just like google used algorithms to lead you to searches somewhere, those algorithms prompt trading.

>> okay, tyler mathisen , thank you. let's we heard tyler complain, but it still leaves you scratching your head when you think about the amount of money wiped out, even though it was earned back, how does this happen? what's the next step in making sure it doesn't?

>> i think the more disturbing thing is that unlike a run of the mill rumor, this appeared to be an official ap report. from what we can tell now, someone hack need the twitter page --

>> well, if we learned anything last week, reports could be wrong. if you didn't know it, after last week, you know it now. so the tweet was not verified.

>> we do put a certain amount of credibility in gate keepers that we trust. if msnbc came out with a tweet, you would react to it differently than if your friend, joe, came out with a tweet. charles schwab , which hosts trillions of dollars of our assets, bank accounts and trading, their website was hacked for about an hour and a half. you couldn't get on the website. it happened again this morning for periods of time between 10:00 and 12:00 . imagine if you have a rumor hitting and charles schwab 's site down because of hacking, this is one of those risk factors. unless you keep your stuff in cash in a mattress or gold, there is nothing can you do about it.

>> does it speak to the biggerish university frailty? we talk about washington, all street and how big women an guys are doing, but nevertheless, this is still a fragile situation.

>> and when it is electronically enhanced, and tyler is right, a lot of this is computer driven and al algorithm, it can all spiral down quickly. but it can also spiral up quickly.

>> all right, thank you very


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Museum find proves exotic 'big cat' prowled British countryside a century ago

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The rediscovery of a mystery animal in a museum's underground storeroom proves that a non-native 'big cat' prowled the British countryside at the turn of the last century.

The animal's skeleton and mounted skin was analysed by a multi-disciplinary team of Durham University scientists and fellow researchers at Bristol, Southampton and Aberystwyth universities and found to be a Canadian lynx ? a carnivorous predator more than twice the size of a domestic cat.

The research, published today in the academic journal Historical Biology, establishes the animal as the earliest example of an "alien big cat" at large in the British countryside.

The research team say this provides further evidence for debunking a popular hypothesis that wild cats entered the British countryside following the introduction of the 1976 Wild Animals Act. The Act was introduced to deal with an increasing fashion for exotic ? and potentially dangerous ? pets.

The academics believe such feral "British big cats" as they are known, may have lived in the wild much earlier, through escapes and even deliberate release. There is no evidence that such animals have been able to breed in the wild.

The study of the Canadian lynx, rediscovered by research team member Max Blake among hundreds of thousands of specimens at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, details records unearthed at the museum which showed the animal had originally been mislabelled by Edwardian curators in 1903 as a Eurasian lynx ? a close relative of the Canadian lynx.

The records also showed that the lynx was shot by a landowner in the Devon countryside in the early 1900s, after it killed two dogs.

"This Edwardian feral lynx provides concrete evidence that although rare, exotic felids have occasionally been part of British fauna for more than a century," said lead researcher, Dr Ross Barnett, of Durham University's Department of Archaeology.

"The animal remains are significant in representing the first historic big cat from Britain."

Co-author Dr Darren Naish, from the University of Southampton, added: "There have been enough sightings of exotic big cats which substantially pre-date 1976 to cast doubt on the idea that one piece of legislation made in 1976 explains all releases of these animals in the UK.

"It seems more likely that escapes and releases have occurred throughout history, and that this continual presence of aliens explains the 'British big cat' phenomenon."

The researchers point out in their paper that Eurasian lynxes existed in the wild in Britain many hundreds of years ago, but had almost certainly become extinct by the 7th century. Laboratory analysis of the Bristol specimen's bones and teeth established it had been kept in captivity long enough to develop severe tooth loss and plaque before it either escaped or was deliberately released into the wild. Ancient DNA analysis of hair from the lynx proved inconclusive, possibly due to chemicals applied to the pelt during taxidermy.

Julie Finch, head of Bristol's Museums, Galleries & Archives, said: "Bristol Museum, Galleries and Archives were pleased to be a part of this ground-breaking research, which not only highlights the importance of our science collections, it establishes the pedigree of our 100-year old Lynx and adds to our knowledge and understanding of 'big cats' in the UK.

"Our museum collections are extensive and caring for them requires the considerable skills of our collections officers. We have an amazing collection of taxidermy animals on display and we welcome museum visitors to come along, to take a closer look and discover more about the natural world."

Dr Greger Larson, a member of the research team from Durham University and an expert in the migration of animals, said: "Every few years there is another claim that big cats are living wild in Britain, but none of these claims have been substantiated. It seems that big cats are to England what the Loch Ness Monster is to Scotland.

"By applying a robust scientific methodology, this study conclusively demonstrates that at least one big cat did roam Britain as early as the Edwardian era, and suggests that additional claims need to be subjected to this level of scrutiny."

The lynx is now on public display at the museum.


Durham University:

Thanks to Durham University for this article.

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Thinx upgrades the video monitor with embedded LTE and SMS alerts; ships in Q3 for around $500

Thinx upgrades the video monitor with embedded LTE and SMS alerts ships soon for around $500

As part of our tour through Verizon's Waltham, Mass.-based Innovation Center this week, we were able to see a brief demo of the Thinx 4G LTE video monitor -- a product that was briefly teased at CES, but we've heard precious little about since. Essentially, this is a rather sophisticated 1080p video monitor, designed for small businesses that would prefer that their monitors do more than just capture reels of archived footage. Thinx's solution throws in an admin panel and a smartphone app; users can install the camera and then define hot zones for the sensor to keep tabs on. If and when a specific event occurs (e.g. 50 individuals cross a virtual line), owners can be alerted via SMS -- and, of course, they can then view only the footage pertaining to said event with merely a click.

Those apps (available for iOS and Android) will allow owners to look in live at any time, with recorded video automatically stored on the included 4GB SD card, a personal NAS or a cloud storage facility like Dropbox. Better still, the control panel supports multiple cameras for those trying to cast eyes over an entire office complex, and there's room for a 12V battery that'll keep it humming along "for a few hours" should the power cut out. Tom Thomasson, vice president of marketing at Thinx, told us that the product is slated to go on sale in the US during the third quarter of this year, and it's one of "over 30" new products that Verizon will help launch during the 2013 / 2014 time frame.

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Source: Thinx


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UPDATE - Latin Business Today

24 Apr, 2013

PRINCETON, N.J., April 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ ? ;DiversityInc last night announced the 2013 DiversityInc Top ;50 Companies for Diversity. The list, whose members outperformed the S&P 500, includes companies from a wide range of industries whose leadership, procurement practices, communications and training best reflect the reality of the rapidly changing face of America. The full list can be found at

(Logo: )

Sodexo tops the list for 2013, followed by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Kaiser Permanente, Ernst & Young, MasterCard Worldwide, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Prudential Financial, Accenture and Johnson & Johnson.

?On the heels of the demographically revealing 2012 presidential election, it is clear that U.S. companies are increasingly conscious of the importance of diversity,? said Luke Visconti, CEO of DiversityInc. ?We are very encouraged to see more companies applying for this distinction and embracing diversity more deeply than ever. We also note a continued positive correlation between achievement in diversity and overall positive stock performance.?

Both the 2013 and the 2012 DiversityInc Top 50 lists outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 on a one-, three- and five-year basis.

DiversityInc 2013 survey results show that Top 50 companies have:

  • 76% more Blacks, Latinos and Asians on their boards of directors than the Fortune 500
  • 54% more women on their boards of directors than the Fortune 500
  • 43% more women in the top level (CEO and direct reports) than the Fortune 500
  • 16.6% more Blacks, Latinos and Asians in the top level (CEO and direct reports) than the Fortune 500
  • 14 times more CEOs who are Black, Latino or Asian than the Fortune 500 (16% of Top 50 CEOs are Black, Latino or Asian vs. 1.2% for the Fortune 500)

In addition, DiversityInc notes that Top 50 companies have 51% more employees in resource groups than they did five years ago and donated 53% more to multicultural charities than they did five years ago.

?As the 2012 election demonstrated, the U.S. is seeing a dynamic of an aging population and a dramatic increase in diversity among new voters and workers,? added Visconti. ?These two trends mean that government and companies have no choice but to focus on how best to leverage the power of diversity.?

The DiversityInc Top 50 also includes a number of Specialty Lists, all of which can be viewed in their entirety at They include:

  • 25 Noteworthy Companies
  • Top 10 Companies for Recruitment and Retention (No. 1: PricewaterhouseCoopers)
  • Top 10 Companies for Supplier Diversity (No. 1: AT&T)
  • Top 10 Companies for Blacks (No. 1: Sodexo)
  • Top 10 Companies for Latinos (No. 1: Kaiser Permanente)
  • Top 10 Companies for Asian-Americans (No. 1: Deloitte)
  • Top 10 Companies for People With Disabilities (No. 1: Ernst & Young)
  • Top 10 Companies for LGBT Employees (No. 1: Wells Fargo)
  • Top 10 Companies for Veterans (No. 1: CSX)
  • Top 10 Companies for Executive Women (No. 1: PricewaterhouseCoopers)
  • Top 10 Companies for Global Diversity (No. 1: IBM)
  • Top 10 Regional Companies (No. 1: MGM Resorts International)
  • Top 10 Hospital Systems (No. 1: University Hospitals)
  • Top 7 Regional Utilities (No. 1: Southern Company)


The process of determining The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity is based completely on empirical data. Participation in the survey is free and companies that do business with DiversityInc receive no preferential treatment. In order to participate, an organization must have at least 1,000 employees and fill out a detailed, 300-question survey, which is divided into four equally weighted areas: CEO Commitment, Human Capital, Corporate and Organizational Communications, and Supplier Diversity. Each company is judged within its own industry and each application is vetted by DiversityInc staff. DiversityInc requires notarized CEO sign-offs on submissions from companies where it has not met with the CEO directly. For the 2013 survey, 893 companies participated. For more information, visit DiversityInc?s survey FAQ. Companies interested in participating in 2014 should contact

About DiversityInc

DiversityInc is the leading source of information on diversity management. The company is a consultancy and publishes two websites, and, as well as a magazine, published five times a year. DiversityInc also produces diversity events, ;which average more than 600 attendees from 200 companies and have featured more than 20 CEOs of major corporations.

SOURCE DiversityInc


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

French president: Libya bomb targets all countries

PARIS (AP) ? French President Francois Hollande says that the car bomb that exploded at the French embassy in Tripoli targets not only France but "all countries in the international community engaged fighting terrorism."

In a statement Tuesday morning, Hollande said "France expects the Libyan authorities to shed the fullest light on this unacceptable act, so that the perpetrators are identified and brought to justice."

Hollande says that a foreign ministry representative will be sent to Tripoli to take "necessary measures" and to ensure the repatriation to French soil of the two French guards who were injured, to whom he addressed a message of solidarity.

Associated Press


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'Unjustly enriched': Government sues Lance Armstrong

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? The federal government is going after Lance Armstrong's money. As much as it can get.

The Justice Department unveiled its formal complaint against Armstrong on Tuesday, saying the cyclist violated his contract with the U.S. Postal Service and was "unjustly enriched" while cheating to win the Tour de France.

The government had previously announced it would join a whistle-blower lawsuit brought by former Armstrong teammate Floyd Landis under the federal False Claims Act. Tuesday was the deadline to file its formal complaint.

The Postal Service paid about $40 million to be the title sponsor of Armstrong's teams for six of his seven Tour de France victories. The filing in U.S. district court in Washington, D.C., says the USPS paid Armstrong $17 million from 1998-2004.

The lawsuit also names former team Armstrong team director Johan Bruyneel and team management company Tailwind Sports as defendants.

"Defendants were unjustly enriched to the extent of the payments and other benefits they received from the USPS, either directly or indirectly," the complaint said.

The financial costs for Armstrong and Bruyneel could be high. The government said it would seek triple damages assessed by the jury. Armstrong has been dropped by his personal sponsors and left the cancer-fighting foundation he started in 1997.

Armstrong had previously tried to negotiate a settlement, but those talks fell through before the government announced it would join the Landis lawsuit. Settlement talks could resume as the case proceeds to trial.

Armstrong, who in January admitted using performance-enhancing drugs after years of denials, has argued that the Postal Service's endorsement of his team earned the government agency far more than it paid him.

Armstrong attorney Elliot Peters called the government's complaint "opportunistic" and "insincere."

"The U.S. Postal Service benefited tremendously from its sponsorship of the cycling team. Its own studies repeatedly and conclusively prove this," Peters said. "The USPS was never the victim of fraud. Lance Armstrong rode his heart out for the USPS team, and gave the brand tremendous exposure during the sponsorship years."

The government must prove not only that the Postal Service was defrauded, but that it was damaged somehow.

Previous studies done for the Postal Service concluded the agency reaped at least $139 million in worldwide brand exposure in four years ? $35 million to $40 million for sponsoring the Armstrong team in 2001; $38 million to $42 million in 2002; $31 million in 2003; and $34.6 million in 2004.

Landis attorney Paul Scott dismissed the idea that money gained by the Postal Service should negate the claims of fraud. Scott the Postal Service is tainted by the drug scandal.

"Even if the USPS received some ephemeral media exposure in connection with Mr. Armstrong's false victories, any illusory benefit from those times will be swamped over time immemorial by the USPS forever being tied to the largest doping scandal in the history of sports," Scott said.

The formal complaint against Armstrong appears to rely heavily on evidence and statements supplied by Landis and gathered by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency for its 2012 investigation that exposed a doping program on the USPS team. Armstrong has been banned from sports for life and stripped of his seven Tour de France victories.

As Armstrong's teammate, Landis participated in the doping program. He was later stripped of his 2006 Tour de France title won with another team because of his own doping violations.

Bruyneel, who lives in London, also has been charged by USADA with doping violations but is fighting that case in arbitration.

The government notes the contract with the Postal Service required riders to follow the rules of cycling, which included bans on performance-enhancing drugs and methods. Armstrong now admits using steroids, blood boosters and other illegal performance-enhancing drugs and measures to win.

By breaking the rules and covering it up, Armstrong and Bruyneel committed fraud against the U.S. government, the complaint said.

The complaint said that for years, team officials assured the Postal Service that the team wasn't doping.

Armstrong had been the target of a federal criminal grand jury, but that case was closed without charges in February 2012. Armstrong has previously tried to settle the Landis whistleblower lawsuit, but those talks broke down before the government announced its intention to join the case.

Armstrong also is fighting a lawsuit from Dallas-based promotions company SCA to recover about $12 million it paid him in bonuses, and a lawsuit from the London-based Sunday Times, which wants to get back $500,000 it paid him to settle a libel case.


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LG Q1 earnings come in lower than last year, but phone sales are up

LG Q1 earnings come in lower last year, but mobile business is improved

LG has released its earnings report for the first quarter of 2013, and while they were down overall from last year, there is good news to report for its phones. A net profit of $20.3 million is lower than Q1 2012's $214 million -- but better than Q4's lawsuit-related $428 million loss -- blamed on weaker earnings in its home theater business. The good news is reserved for phones, where sales were up 30 percent from last year thanks to devices like the Optimus G (original, Pro and Nexus 4) and L series. Home Entertainment sales dropped to their lowest level in the past year, blamed mostly on a decline in plasmas and professional displays. Q2 is expected to be another good one as the Optimus L Series II, 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro and Optimus F ship worldwide. According to LG its LCD sales were actually up thanks to growing demand in Europe and China, but profits took a hit because of increased competition. While it doesn't expect the overall market to change, it is looking for better results in Q2 as its new Smart and 3D TVs hit shelves along with upcoming 4K and OLED sets. We'll keep digging through the numbers for more details, check the source link below to take a look for yourself.

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Source: LG Korea, LG Q1 2013 earnings (PDF)


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Forging path for plant-based sustainable source of rubber and biofuels

Forging path for plant-based sustainable source of rubber and biofuels [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Apr-2013
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Contact: Joe Kullman
Arizona State University

USDA grants supporting research to boost biomaterials as useful natural resources

TEMPE, Ariz -- Arizona State University engineer Amy Landis has a pivotal role in a new potentially far-reaching effort to use biomaterial to produce rubber in a more environmentally and economically sustainable way.

She will lead the sustainability assessment for a four-year project teaming Cooper Tire & Rubber Company, Yulex Corporation, ASU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The project has been awarded a $6.9 million grant through the Biomass Research and Development Initiative of the USDA and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The endeavor focuses on the guayule plant (pronounced why-you-lee), from which latex can be extracted and turned into rubber. It holds promise for being a feasible alternative to petroleum-based synthetics that are now the predominant form of rubber in tires and many other products using rubber.

In addition to producing rubber, guayule material could be used to make industrial, medical, consumer and energy products, as well as biofuels. Substantial use of the plant could reduce the United States' dependence on producers in other countries for the nation's supply of rubber.

Landis is an associate professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, one of ASU's Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. She is also a senior sustainability scientist in the university's Global Institute of Sustainability.

Her role in the guayule project is to help ensure its use will, in fact, be sustainable in multiple ways.

"Just because you are using a biomaterial does not guarantee what you do will be a 'green' venture," Landis says. "I will be looking at the entire process of creating rubber products, from the agricultural process of growing and harvesting guayule, extracting and processing natural latex, and manufacturing natural rubber tires. The sustainability assessment will evaluate factors such as local impact on the land where guayule is grown and the how cultivation of the crop changes the landscape for the neighboring farmers."

Her sustainability analysis will also take into consideration "human elements" and community impacts. "This involves looking at things like the potential for job creation and who will be employed throughout the process" of growing and processing guayule to make rubber on a large scale, as well as the implications for communities' quality of life, she says.

"Our contribution to the sustainability assessment includes a complete life cycle assessment of natural rubber tires" she says. "We don't want to ignore or overlook any short-term or long-term impact."

Increased use of guayule could eventually offer a particular benefit for Arizona's economy. The state is the center of operations for the project partner corporation Yulex, which is already producing some products using guayule, including mattresses and pillows.

The Yulex corporate headquarters is close to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Its manufacturing facility is in Chandler, and the company gets its supply of the plant from some of the eight or more commercial farmers growing the crop in Arizona.

The reach of the project promises to extend much further through lead project partner Cooper Tire and Rubber Company, which is the parent company of a family of companies in 11 countries that specialize in the design, manufacture, marketing and sales of passenger car and light truck tires. The Ohio-based company also has joint ventures, affiliates and subsidiaries that specialize in medium truck, motorcycle and racing tires.

Both Yulex and Cooper have developed company initiatives aimed at operating their enterprises in socially and ecologically responsible ways.

As part of the project, Landis will also explore the impacts of ramping up the use of nonlatex portions of the guayule plant to produce biofuel, bioenergy and fertilizers.

See a detailed graphic illustrating the various aspects of the Life Cycle Assessment for Guayule Tires devised by Landis and graduate research assistant Daina Rasutis at

In a separate project, Landis will team with University of Pittsburgh chemical engineer Vikas Khanna on a sustainability research project being supported by a recent $350,000 grant to ASU from the USDA.

The project's main thrust is to provide data to guide alignment of varying local, state and national policies to set consistent parameters for development and production of biofuels.

It's part of a larger federal program aimed at spurring the production of bioenergy and biobased products, while at the same time ensuring the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of such ventures.

Another of the program's goals in promoting further development of biomaterials to produce fuel and energy is to create new markets for the nation's agricultural products.

ASU is among universities selected to receive grants from the program through a competitive process. Applicants for the grant awarded to ASU included some of the top university sustainability research programs in the country, Landis says.


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Forging path for plant-based sustainable source of rubber and biofuels [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Apr-2013
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Contact: Joe Kullman
Arizona State University

USDA grants supporting research to boost biomaterials as useful natural resources

TEMPE, Ariz -- Arizona State University engineer Amy Landis has a pivotal role in a new potentially far-reaching effort to use biomaterial to produce rubber in a more environmentally and economically sustainable way.

She will lead the sustainability assessment for a four-year project teaming Cooper Tire & Rubber Company, Yulex Corporation, ASU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The project has been awarded a $6.9 million grant through the Biomass Research and Development Initiative of the USDA and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The endeavor focuses on the guayule plant (pronounced why-you-lee), from which latex can be extracted and turned into rubber. It holds promise for being a feasible alternative to petroleum-based synthetics that are now the predominant form of rubber in tires and many other products using rubber.

In addition to producing rubber, guayule material could be used to make industrial, medical, consumer and energy products, as well as biofuels. Substantial use of the plant could reduce the United States' dependence on producers in other countries for the nation's supply of rubber.

Landis is an associate professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, one of ASU's Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. She is also a senior sustainability scientist in the university's Global Institute of Sustainability.

Her role in the guayule project is to help ensure its use will, in fact, be sustainable in multiple ways.

"Just because you are using a biomaterial does not guarantee what you do will be a 'green' venture," Landis says. "I will be looking at the entire process of creating rubber products, from the agricultural process of growing and harvesting guayule, extracting and processing natural latex, and manufacturing natural rubber tires. The sustainability assessment will evaluate factors such as local impact on the land where guayule is grown and the how cultivation of the crop changes the landscape for the neighboring farmers."

Her sustainability analysis will also take into consideration "human elements" and community impacts. "This involves looking at things like the potential for job creation and who will be employed throughout the process" of growing and processing guayule to make rubber on a large scale, as well as the implications for communities' quality of life, she says.

"Our contribution to the sustainability assessment includes a complete life cycle assessment of natural rubber tires" she says. "We don't want to ignore or overlook any short-term or long-term impact."

Increased use of guayule could eventually offer a particular benefit for Arizona's economy. The state is the center of operations for the project partner corporation Yulex, which is already producing some products using guayule, including mattresses and pillows.

The Yulex corporate headquarters is close to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Its manufacturing facility is in Chandler, and the company gets its supply of the plant from some of the eight or more commercial farmers growing the crop in Arizona.

The reach of the project promises to extend much further through lead project partner Cooper Tire and Rubber Company, which is the parent company of a family of companies in 11 countries that specialize in the design, manufacture, marketing and sales of passenger car and light truck tires. The Ohio-based company also has joint ventures, affiliates and subsidiaries that specialize in medium truck, motorcycle and racing tires.

Both Yulex and Cooper have developed company initiatives aimed at operating their enterprises in socially and ecologically responsible ways.

As part of the project, Landis will also explore the impacts of ramping up the use of nonlatex portions of the guayule plant to produce biofuel, bioenergy and fertilizers.

See a detailed graphic illustrating the various aspects of the Life Cycle Assessment for Guayule Tires devised by Landis and graduate research assistant Daina Rasutis at

In a separate project, Landis will team with University of Pittsburgh chemical engineer Vikas Khanna on a sustainability research project being supported by a recent $350,000 grant to ASU from the USDA.

The project's main thrust is to provide data to guide alignment of varying local, state and national policies to set consistent parameters for development and production of biofuels.

It's part of a larger federal program aimed at spurring the production of bioenergy and biobased products, while at the same time ensuring the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of such ventures.

Another of the program's goals in promoting further development of biomaterials to produce fuel and energy is to create new markets for the nation's agricultural products.

ASU is among universities selected to receive grants from the program through a competitive process. Applicants for the grant awarded to ASU included some of the top university sustainability research programs in the country, Landis says.


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